Chapter 20: Crossroads

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Amidst Daniel's confusion over Amelia's mention of physical abuse, he had sought clarity. He had already conducted a thorough examination of her medical condition, but there were no visible signs of physical harm. He spoke with care, understanding the sensitivity of the topic, "Amy, you mentioned physical torture. However, I've consulted with the doctor and conducted comprehensive tests here in the hospital, including X-rays, MRIs, and even a sexual assault examination. There are no physical scars or indicators of any form of abuse on your body."

Amelia's gaze sharpened, and her tone, tinged with annoyance, conveyed her frustration as she responded, "Daniel, not all scars are physical. You should be aware of that. Do you truly believe I'm fabricating this while lying here in the hospital? Lying to you? Why would I lie to you? Do you think I orchestrated this accident? Do you think I put myself in this hospital? Do you believe I wanted to be separated from you all?"

Daniel sighed, realizing he had been short with her, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to suggest you're being dishonest. What I intended to convey is that, on a physical level, you are physically well. It's not about my trust in you." He struggled to find the right words, the air thick with skepticism.

Amelia maintained her gaze and held his hand, softening her approach. "You have questions, Daniel. If answering those questions is necessary, I will answer them. Do you recall when we attended the Scotts' party? Can you remember that night?"

Daniel nodded and retorted sharply, "Of course I do. We had a big argument, and the next day, you had disappeared. I blamed myself until I realized my toddler son needed me."

Amelia sighed and said, "Daniel, I know you're upset, but you need to allow me ten minutes to speak my truth. Your words and anger, however justified they may be, are causing me distress."

Daniel felt a surge of guilt and responded, "You're right, Amy. I apologize. Yes, I remember that party. We did indeed have a fight that night."

Amelia began to elucidate her situation, "During that period, I was actually spending time with Ronald. He was in Chicago on a fashion project for the company that had enlisted our legal services. I was the official attorney representing their brand, acting on behalf of my law firm. Ronald was a kind person, genuinely nice. So, the night we had our intense argument, I sought solace with him. I was profoundly upset, at you, at myself, and at our circumstances. He inquired if I'd like to join him for a party, and initially, I declined. However, when he suggested a brief getaway to Paris, just for a few days to unwind, I didn't hesitate. My decision was impulsive, driven by anger."

Amelia's narrative continued, "Upon our arrival in Paris, my phone was flooded with messages and calls, both from you and the office. But I made a conscious decision to ignore them for the time being. I turned off my phone and stashed it away in my bag because I needed a few days to clear my head. I was filled with anger, and I didn't want to engage with anyone."

She paused and let out a deep sigh before proceeding, "The initial days were pleasant, but as time passed, I came to the realization that I wanted to talk to you. I didn't want an immediate return, but I felt it was necessary for us to communicate from a distance without face-to-face confrontation, given the unresolved tension. I wasn't ready to confront you at that point; my anger still loomed large.

"So, I started searching for my phone in my bag, but it had disappeared. I inquired with Ronald since he was staying in his penthouse apartment in Paris. That's when the situation took a sinister turn. He perceived my intention to return to my family and discuss things with you as a threat. He began locking me in his apartment, subjecting me to days of starvation to weaken me physically, so I wouldn't resist. I wasn't subjected to sexual assault, but he seemed to derive perverse pleasure from keeping me confined as if I were a trophy."

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