Chapter 24: Fractured?

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The sun had dipped below the horizon when Liam and Amelia returned from a splendid trip to the park. Amelia described the day to Daniel with excitement, telling him that Liam was absolutely exhausted from their vigorous game of catch and the ensuing fun. Following their playful afternoon, they headed to a nearby diner for cheeseburgers, and afterward, they ventured to the mall where Amelia generously indulged her son with new airplane toys and stylish clothing. Meher, engrossed in a game of building blocks with her mother in the other room, seized the opportunity to explore. As Seher left the room briefly to use the washroom, Meher, full of enthusiasm, rushed out and dashed into Liam's room.

Meher's excitement bubbled over as she gleefully exclaimed, "Lee, home!" Her happy voice echoed through the house. Daniel couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiastic greeting. However, before he could gently explain to Meher that Liam was currently asleep and that they could all play together in the morning, Amelia stepped into the scene.

Amelia caught up with Meher, her tone abruptly turning harsh as she raised a finger and sternly hushed the toddler. "Shush, you stupid child! Can't you see Liam is sleeping?" Meher, who had never been addressed in such a manner, instinctively took a step back, fear filling her eyes. Her gaze darted around the room, searching for a protector, and it soon settled on Daniel, the one person she knew would keep her safe. Meher darted toward him, seeking refuge, and her voice quivered as she whimpered, "Dan Dan."

Tears welled up in Meher's green eyes, a combination of fear and confusion. Amelia, on the other hand, simply rolled her eyes at the scene. She couldn't understand the fuss over Meher's behavior. Amelia condescendingly commented, "See, Daniel, this is what I was talking about. This is what happens when you let the staff run wild. Look at that, Liam has just fallen asleep, and this uneducated child is running inside, yelling. I mean, come on, where are the manners?"

Daniel was taken aback by Amelia's attitude. He couldn't comprehend how someone could be so kind to their own child yet so rude to another. His emotions were a jumble, and he decided to confront Amelia, saying, "Amelia, what's wrong with you? She is just two! How can you talk to a child like that?"

Amelia simply brushed off his comment, stating, "Oh, whatever, Daniel. I don't want to hear one of your righteous lectures, okay? Just spare me and get this child out of my son's room. My son is sleeping." She returned to Liam's side and began to pat him gently, ensuring that he remained in a peaceful slumber.

Daniel was left bewildered by Amelia's behavior. He couldn't wrap his head around it. He then turned to Meher, who had tears streaming down her cheeks, and his heart ached for the little girl. He picked her up, his protective instincts kicking in, and he tried to comfort her, saying, "Shh, baby, I know. I know it's okay. We'll see Liam in the morning, okay? Lee will play with you in the morning, and as I promised, we'll go for ice cream." But Meher was too frightened to respond and clung to Daniel tightly.

Amelia left Liam's room, closing the door gently behind her, and then turned to Daniel with a condescending tone. "Daniel, now you're going to be all cozy with that help's child? I thought you had standards. What is so special about this girl? It's bad enough that she's staying here with her mother, using all the resources, playing with Liam's toys. I don't know where she comes from and what she may be carrying. Would you let anything around my son?"

Daniel was still processing Amelia's words, his mind racing, but before he could respond, determined steps echoed down the hallway. Seher, now walking confidently towards them, snatched her sobbing daughter from Daniel's arms and turned to Amelia, her own eyes brimming with fire.

Seher's voice cut through the tense silence, her words sharp and unforgiving, as she clung protectively to her sobbing daughter. Her tone was unyielding, emphasizing the word "staff" as she addressed Amelia. "Mrs. Mitchell, I understand that we are a part of your staff," she began, her voice cold, "but you need to realize that we are also human beings. I will not tolerate hearing you speak disparagingly about my daughter. If your son is precious, so is my daughter, as are all the children on this earth. You really need to mind your language when addressing a child. It doesn't reflect on my two-year-old's manners but on your own."

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