Chapter 88: Meher's Maxi

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"I apologize," Daniel said after a few minutes of reflective silence that followed his initial agitated question. "I'm genuinely sorry for not being more understanding in these past few months and for reacting the way I did. Something is bothering me, but we can discuss it later. Let's start afresh. Seher, how have you been?"

Seher, appreciating his effort to make amends, gave him a small but genuine smile. She had missed him as a friend during the past few months and nodded, signaling her willingness to move past the tense moment. "I'm doing great, Daniel. I'm genuinely happy," she replied, and Daniel responded with a sincere smile.

"I won't pry into the café's details, considering it's the talk of the town and all positive. I'm truly happy that things are working out for you. You're glowing, just as Amelia mentioned, and it warms my heart to see you happy," he commented. After a moment, he sighed, "And my little one seems to have grown so much in the one and a half months I've been away."

Seher chuckled, "Well, at this age, they do grow rapidly." The two friends continued to share updates on their lives over the past few months. Daniel disclosed details about a significant project he was involved in, coincidentally connected to Andrei's company. However, he chose not to mention the slight discomfort he felt due to Andrei's proximity to Seher.

After their exchange, Seher turned to Daniel with a serious expression, "Your presence here today, Daniel, does it signify the rekindling of our friendship? And does it also mean that you..." She paused, searching for the right words. Trying again, "I mean, have you..."

Daniel gently took hold of her hand and reassured her, "It's okay, Seher. Yes, I'm back, and I'm back as your friend. I believe my previous feelings won't pose an issue anymore, so you can relax." Seher responded with a radiant smile, one that Daniel cherished, and he mirrored her expression with a genuine smile of his own.

Daniel, filled with curiosity, delicately broached the topic, "Seher, not prying, but I'm genuinely curious. How did you come to know Andrei Romanov, and why is he present at such an intimate gathering? Moreover, why does Meher seem so at ease with him? I used to..." He hesitated, choosing not to explicitly reference his past feelings.

Seher sighed and shared, "He visited the cafe once, Daniel, and connected with Meher. Later, he hired the cafe for lunch, leading to our communication. We met a few weeks ago, and as of now, I can't define what we are. It's not that I'm avoiding telling you; I genuinely don't know myself. But today, he holds a special place for me, and he brings happiness into my life."

Daniel observed the growing uneasiness within himself, acknowledging that he wasn't romantically involved with Seher. However, an unwarranted sense of discomfort lingered. Though he hesitated, Daniel nodded, "I'm genuinely happy he brings you joy, Seher. But do you truly know this man? I don't mean to sound condescending or make you feel guilty; it's just that I don't know much about him. He's a mystery, a quick success story in the business world."

Pausing, Daniel felt compelled to issue a caution. "During my time in Germany, I witnessed things. The convoy he travels with isn't typical for businessmen. An entourage of bodyguards... It's not standard practice. There are strong whispers connecting him to the Russian mafia or something. I don't know the truth, but, Seher, it's my responsibility to caution you, and that's what I'm doing."

Seher found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, ranging from shock to contemplation and, most prominently, anger, triggered by Daniel's unexpected cautionary words. Despite knowing that Daniel's intentions were rooted in genuine concern and friendship, the anger simmered within her, perhaps unjustified but fueled by the feeling that he was warning her solely based on rumors.

Acknowledging that Maximilian had yet to disclose everything about himself, including the dual identities maintained by him and his brother, Seher made a conscious decision not to involve Daniel in these intricacies. It was a realm beyond the scope of their friendship. The lingering anger, somewhat misguided, lingered, and Seher grappled with conflicting emotions-pissed at Daniel for what felt like unwarranted interference, yet understanding that he only wanted to look out for her well-being.

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