Chapter 27: Cheeseburgers and Beer

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In the Mitchell household that evening, a palpable buzz of excitement filled the air as Amelia roused from her nap. Making her way to Liam's room, she discovered him, as usual, deeply engrossed in play with Meher. How could she harbor any animosity towards a child, especially one as adorable as Meher? It wasn't Meher but rather Amelia's own upbringing that hindered her comfort with children. Nonetheless, beyond this, Amelia had no qualms with Meher. Witnessing the joy Meher brought to her son and the heartwarming dynamics between them, Amelia couldn't help but find it endearing.

However, the source of Amelia's unease lay with Meher's mother, an issue still lingering in her eyes, creating an invisible barrier. Leaving the children to their play, Amelia sought out Daniel. Upon entering his office, she found him deeply engrossed in a call. Gesturing for her to take a seat, Daniel wrapped up a conversation with Sarah, his personal assistant. As he hung up, a subtle frown on his face, Amelia couldn't suppress a chuckle.

"Am I providing amusement, Amy?" Daniel inquired, a quizzical eyebrow raised. "Not you, per se," Amelia responded with an easy smile, "but your dynamic with Sarah is rather amusing. It's interesting to see that it hasn't changed in the past year." Daniel, perplexed, sought clarification, "Our dynamic?" Still chuckling, Amelia explained, "Oh yes, you two have a relationship akin to a 50-year-old marriage. You both don't particularly like each other, yet you cannot live without each other." Her laughter injected a sense of lightness that had been absent for too long."

Amidst their shared laughter, Daniel acknowledged, "Well, yes, that's true. Sarah and I, we don't particularly like each other, and yet, we can't seem to function apart. I've fired her four times, and she's quit three times, but we always find our way back to working together."

Amelia playfully interjected, "Yes, Danny, because you're a demanding boss, meticulous about getting everything just right, and Sarah, well, she's a remarkably quick-witted personal assistant. Somehow, she reserves a considerable amount of patience just for you." She chuckled and added, "And if only she weren't married, with her husband working right under our noses, I might suspect she has feelings for you."

Sharing in the laughter, Daniel quipped, "Yes, Sarah has feelings for me - feelings that, given the chance, would probably involve murdering me in my sleep. I'm almost certain of it." Amelia couldn't help but burst into laughter, savoring the joy of a normal conversation - a rarity over the past year and particularly in the weeks since her return. This was the familiar Daniel, the one she had known since college - their effortless banter and an unspoken understanding that transcended the need for overt displays of affection. She appreciated how he recognized that she wasn't the most demonstrative person, contrary to societal expectations. Simultaneously, she understood his struggles with making life-altering decisions. It was this seamless compatibility that made their connection enduring.

Amelia's countenance shifted into a blend of seriousness and serenity, catching Daniel's attention. She gracefully rose from her seat and crossed the space between them, leaning against the desk, facing him. In a soft and sincere tone, she spoke, "Danny, I've made mistakes, sinned in my actions toward you and Liam. You've been nothing but kind, and I know my absence and the foolish choices I made may have affected your feelings. Please don't deny it; I can see it. I know you, and I don't blame you. The fact that you don't hate me is a miracle in itself. But Danny, I have nothing but words to assure you that now that I'm back, though my foolishness may have diminished your love, my respect and love for you have grown tenfold."

She continued, "Before this, I loved you as my lover, my boyfriend, but now I respect you even more as the father of my child. The way you've been with him, the way you are with him - that growing respect for you intensifies my love for you every day. With all that love and regret, I just want to say I'm sorry. If there was a way to undo what I did, I would in a heartbeat, but I can't. So all I can say right now is, I am sorry. I hate myself for what I did. You've been the most graceful person, welcoming me back, allowing me to spend time with my son, rebuilding our family. If I were to say thank you every day for the rest of my life, that would not be enough."

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