Chapter 91: Delicious Heat

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As Maximilian darted through the long hallways and descended the grand staircase, Seher, gripped by fear, hastened to keep pace. Her daughter's distressing cries mingled with an unfamiliar growl, creating an unsettling symphony that intensified her anxiety. Maximilian had never mentioned having a dog, and the guttural sound she heard did not belong to any ordinary canine. In the countryside, where their estate sprawled, the intrusion of a wild animal became a plausible concern, igniting myriad possibilities in Seher's frantic mind.

Coming to an abrupt halt upon reaching the scene in the hallway, Seher's breath caught in her throat. Instead of a domesticated dog, a towering wolf stood before her, its coat a midnight black and its eyes a piercing light blue. A gasp escaped Seher as she observed her two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, standing beside the majestic creature, her eyes sparkling with delight. Meher regarded the wolf as if it were the solution to all her problems, her hero and prince charming all rolled into one.

In sheer horror, Seher watched as the little one extended her tiny hand toward the wolf's snout. In a panic, Seher shouted, "Mahi, no, stop!" attempting to halt her daughter's audacious approach. The tension hung in the air as Meher paused, her hand suspended in the space between innocence and potential danger.

The sudden outburst startled everyone present - Meher leaped backward, Victor stood at ease, observing the interaction between the wolf and Meher, and the majestic creature shifted its attention from the little girl to Seher. Maximilian, too, directed his gaze toward Seher, ready to intervene, but a low growl, much closer this time, emanated from the wolf standing beside them.

The wolf fixed its penetrating gaze on Seher, narrowing its eyes, and unleashed a prolonged growl. In response, Seher, overcome with fear, let out a shriek and instinctively retreated. The wolf, however, took deliberate, unhurried steps toward her, causing her heart to race. In that tense moment, Maximilian's voice cut through the air, issuing a command in Russian, "Radger, down boi". (Rager, down boy, now)

Although Seher did not comprehend the Russian command, the wolf turned its gaze to Maximilian and, surprisingly, acquiesced by sitting down on its powerful haunches like an obedient dog. The surreal scene left Seher in awe and bewilderment, a mix of fear and fascination coursing through her veins.

Feeling Seher's trembling hand, Maximilian instinctively drew her closer, encircling her in a reassuring embrace. With a gentle murmur, he urged, "Relax, baby, take a deep breath." As they moved forward, Seher's initial resistance persisted, prompting Maximilian to offer words of comfort. "Relax, trust me, okay?" he coaxed, his grasp unwavering. Leading her to a crouched position beside him, Maximilian unveiled the enigmatic creature that had caused the commotion.

"Meet Rager, our pet wolf," Maximilian introduced, a hint of amusement in his eyes as Seher reacted with wide-eyed astonishment, squeaking, "Pet wolf?" Maximilian chuckled, unraveling the mystique around Rager, explaining that despite his formidable appearance, the wolf served as a guard- a presence designed to be intimidating yet harmless.

On cue, Rager morphed into a docile, even affectionate, companion. Seher, still processing the unexpected revelation, observed the intricacies of the collar, adorned with stones mirroring the wolf's piercing blue eyes, and a pendant inscribed with "RR." Tentatively, Seher extended her hand to pet the once-intimidating creature. In a surprising turn, Rager responded with a gentle nuzzle, eliciting a genuine smile from Seher. Her fingers traced the pendant, prompting a curious inquiry.

"What does RR mean?" she asked Maximilian, who smiled, divulging, "It's his name. Rager Romanov." Seher giggled, remarking, "Classy." Turning back to the wolf, she offered a soft greeting, "Hello, Rager Romanov, I'm Seher. You did scare me a lot just now." In a heartwarming display, Rager whined and tenderly licked Seher's hand, sparking another round of laughter from her as she continued to shower affection on their newfound and unexpected companion.

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