Chapter 19: A Ghost

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It was five days later and Daniel still found himself sitting by the bedside of his unconscious wife in the small hospital room. Her sudden reappearance in his life after nearly a year and a half of absence had left him in a state of shock, especially considering her condition. She lay on the hospital bed, clad in a white gown, appearing frail and vulnerable - an image of her that Daniel had never witnessed before. This was not the Amelia he knew, the fierce, headstrong woman who had always been a force to reckon with.

Amelia had never been one to openly display emotions or vulnerability. Whether as a student, a strong-willed lawyer in the courtroom, or even when interacting with their son, Liam, she had never been the type to wear her emotions on her sleeve. It was evident that she loved Liam, but her way of expressing it was vastly different from the stereotypical image of a doting mother. That was never a flaw in Daniel's eyes; there were countless ways to be a mother, and Amelia had her unique approach.

But as he sat there, looking at her weakened state, Daniel couldn't help but ponder where she had been during those 18 months of absence and what had happened to her. He anxiously awaited the moment she would wake up, unable to leave the hospital for the past five days. In that time, he hadn't seen his son, Liam, either. When he finally left the hospital room, after a whole day, for a brief moment, he discovered hundreds of missed calls from Seher, along with several from his office, his driver, and his staff. He realized that he had gone completely off the grid, never informing anyone of his whereabouts.

To remedy the situation, he hastily called Seher, explaining that he was on an emergency business trip and would return in a few days. He couldn't bring himself to tell her the truth just yet. His wife, Liam's mother, had resurfaced in his life, but he wasn't ready to reveal it to Seher or Liam. There were too many unanswered questions and concerns that needed resolution before he could broach the subject with his son.

Daniel, who had been lost in thought for the past few days, was once again roused from his contemplation by the entrance of the doctor. The doctor's daily visits had become routine, occurring at the same time each day. As the doctor checked Amelia's vital signs, Daniel rose to his feet.

"Doctor," Daniel inquired, "how is she? When can we expect her to wake up?"

The doctor replied, "Mr. Mitchell, as I mentioned before, head injuries can be unpredictable. Her vitals are stable, so it's likely she'll awaken soon. We've refrained from using sedatives. Once her body has had the necessary rest, she should regain consciousness."

"Thank you, doctor," Daniel acknowledged. As the doctor prepared to leave, Daniel stopped him with another question. "Doctor, I've been wondering if you found any other injuries or signs of abuse? I mean, if..." Daniel paused, struggling to articulate his concerns.

The doctor grasped the unspoken concern and addressed it directly. "Mr. Mitchell, if you're worried about sexual abuse, that's not the case. Physically, she appears to be unharmed. However, we did find signs of anemia, which suggests malnutrition. There are no visible marks or injuries on her body. The malnutrition is a concern, though. It's possible it's self-inflicted due to dietary habits, but only Amelia can provide more details when she awakens. The primary concern remains her head injury, and her latest MRI shows no brain clots. We're optimistic she'll recover soon."

A sigh of relief escaped Daniel's lips as he thanked the doctor. He couldn't help but feel reassured that Amelia had not suffered severe physical harm. Yet, he remained in the dark about where she had been and what she had experienced during the past year. His concern extended beyond visible wounds; he knew that not all scars were physical or readily visible.

For so many months, Daniel had grappled with the tormenting mystery of his estranged wife's disappearance. He had exhausted every resource available to him in an attempt to uncover her whereabouts. A dedicated private investigator had toiled relentlessly, leaving no stone unturned in the pursuit of any trace of her existence.

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