Chapter 75: Real or Fake?

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Pacing back and forth in her room, Amelia grappled with the overwhelming uncertainty surrounding her husband's well-being. Her worry for Daniel was profound, extending beyond ordinary concerns. It wasn't a matter of a specific incident or action; rather, it was a gut feeling, an intuition that something was amiss. To an outsider, Daniel appeared normal, unchanged, but Amelia, who knew him inside out, sensed a disturbance.

If someone were to inquire about her worry and ask what was wrong with Daniel, she would find it challenging to articulate. The issue wasn't something concrete that could be pinpointed or explained easily. Amelia's unease traced back about six months, to the aftermath of Daniel's visit to Seher after returning from Germany. Something from their conversation had left an impact on him, evident when he had secluded himself in his office for a full 24 hours. After emerging, he seemed like the usual Daniel-playing with Liam, exhibiting playfulness, making jokes, and sharing his excitement about a promising opportunity with Labyrinth.

Amelia's concern wasn't rooted in a visible change in Daniel's behavior or words; instead, it was an instinctual understanding of his character. She felt it in her bones that something profound was affecting him, even if it wasn't overtly apparent to others. This heightened worry fueled her restless contemplation on how to support him and improve the situation.

She found solace in the apparent happiness surrounding her. The news from Liam about Seher and Meher being content, coupled with glimpses of a thriving cafe during her occasional drives past, eased the lingering apprehension she had carried since her actions upon returning to Chicago. There was a guilt that weighed on her conscience, knowing she had wronged a young woman with a child, someone a decade younger, with a child almost as young as her own.

Despite the guilt, witnessing Seher's success and joy in pursuing her passion and making a name for herself alleviated Amelia's inner turmoil. Everything seemed to fall into place, aligning with her desires. Notably, Daniel had refrained from discussing the divorce after her plea. Though he hadn't explicitly communicated his feelings, Amelia adopted the "no news is good news" mantra, interpreting the silence as a positive sign.

Their living arrangements remained unchanged, with separate bedrooms, yet they continued to be exemplary parents to Liam. Family days persisted, and a new development saw them occasionally watching movies together, just the two of them, fostering a sense of togetherness. From the outside, everything appeared to be fine, aligning with the semblance of harmony that Amelia had longed for.

Amelia found herself tussling with internal questions, wondering if her apprehensions were amplifying a sense of deserving more unhappiness for the actions she had taken. The guilt she carried made her scrutinize the circumstances, questioning whether Daniel's apparent happiness was genuine. Despite his outward cheerfulness, she sensed that there was a deeper layer, a mask he wore when interacting with others, including Liam, herself, and the world.

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