Chapter 96: Care

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As Elaine made her way into the bustling kitchen of Saffron Street, she found the head chef, seemingly drifting in her thoughts amidst the aromas of spices and herbs, her hands methodically stirring what appeared to be the rich, creamy base of a butter chicken. "What are you thinking about, darling?" Elaine inquired, her voice laced with the gentle warmth that had become her hallmark. Seher lifted her gaze, a mixture of distraction and worry in her eyes. "Nothing, Elaine, it's just that Ian has been remarkably busy this week," she confided, her voice barely above a whisper.

Elaine's brow furrowed in confusion, a subtle tilt of her head inviting further explanation. "Has he been failing to speak with you? Is it the pressures of office?" she prodded. Seher was quick to dismiss such fears, "No, no, he's never missed our nightly phone call, nor our evening video chats with Meher, not to mention the letters."

Seher shared her worries, expressing how George's observations indicated Ian's lunches were consistently delayed, and Sergei disclosed Ian's prolonged absence from home, choosing the solitude of the penthouse. Elaine, attentive, acknowledged the implication of Ian being consumed by work, leaving for only brief respites.

"I'm concerned, Elaine. I don't know much about his work, but I worry about his well-being and health under this constant pressure," Seher confessed, her anxiety evident. Elaine responded with a reassuring smile, adjusting the stove heat before holding Seher's hands, "Your concern is valid. You don't need to understand his business intricacies; your love is enough. Why not plan a weekend to offer him a break? Something simple to distract him briefly."

Intrigued but unsure, Seher asked, "But what could I plan?" Elaine suggested, "Consider planning a date with him-something enjoyable yet not too demanding. You could opt for a relaxed outing or a movie, provided you know his preferences. Tailor the weekend to activities that bring him comfort; after all, you know him better. Given the demanding weeks at the cafe, he might be going through a busy period. Your support can be a valuable source of relaxation. Help him unwind in the way a woman does to her man," she added with a wink, leaving Seher momentarily puzzled.

With a soft laugh, Elaine continued, "I love you, darling," sealing the sentiment with a tender kiss on Seher's forehead. "Reach out to Sergei and George, inquire about your man's schedule, and craft a thoughtful plan. Don't worry about Meher; she can stay with us over the weekend."

Dear Maximilian,
Yes, You're still Maximilian until you start taking better care of yourself. After hitting 30, things can go downhill if you're not careful, and you're already eight years past that mark. It's time to get serious about your health.
Here's the plan for today: George says you're free after your last meeting before lunch. Have a timely lunch, do a bit more work, and at 4:30 PM sharp, leave work and be back at your house by 5:30 PM. I've got plans for you then. Don't ask what it is; just go with it. I've coordinated with the co-owner, so no worries about unexpected intrusion.
Victor doesn't know what's happening tonight, so don't bother bullying him. Also, Meher won't be joining us, tonight is all about you. I've arranged something special to help you unwind from the stress you've been facing. If you don't take better care of yourself, I might need to step in.
Be on time; if you're late, consider the plan canceled.
Lunch today is Palak Paneer, the spinach and cottage cheese curry, with turnips and chapatis. I'm trying out turnips for the first time, and you and Meher are my taste testers. Hope you like it.
P.S. If something super important comes up and you need to cancel tonight, call me ASAP. And please, enjoy your lunch while it's hot. Dinner will be a bit late.
Love, Seher

After Seher had given George the lunch and letter, she consulted with Elaine and Ashley about her plans. While discussing lunch arrangements, the older woman suddenly asked, "Darling, have you waxed recently?" Initially unsure, Seher then confidently replied, "Yes, I did, right before Diwali. I think I'm all set."

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