Chapter 13: Caro Amico

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It was nearly 7 in the evening when Daniel and Seher dropped off the toddlers at James and Mabel's residence. Seher had initially hesitated, feeling guilty about leaving her daughter, Meher, alone with potential strangers. The guilt gnawed at her, and she understood how new mothers might feel when leaving their children to go to work.

Seher had indeed left Meher in daycare or with the Andersons when she had no other option, but this time was different. It was a leisure activity, a date night, and that sense of guilt weighed heavily on her. However, Mabel provided valuable insight, explaining the concept of the "super mom complex" and how mothers deserved time for themselves without feeling guilty. She reassured Seher that being a mother didn't mean being on call 24/7; she was a woman and a human being with her own needs, including time to enjoy herself.

Seher found some comfort in Mabel's words. On the other hand, Daniel couldn't have been more excited. Seher had agreed to a date as friends, and she looked stunning in the beautiful dress he had bought her. She wore modest black heels, standing at 3 inches, a long black wool overcoat, and makeup that highlighted her beauty. Her long hair cascaded freely, and she wore diamond earrings, adding to her allure.

In the dim light of the evening, Seher looked exceptionally beautiful and sexy, a sight that left Daniel captivated and thrilled, seeing her in a whole new light.

As the night embraced the bustling city of New York, Daniel and Seher embarked on their special date night. Daniel had chosen an enchanting Italian restaurant with a renowned reputation. The restaurant, Caro Amico, was nestled in a historic brownstone, known for its romantic ambiance and exquisite cuisine. Seher's eyes lit up as they entered, her anticipation growing.

Seher couldn't help but feel amazed by the restaurant's charming interior. Soft candlelight illuminated each table, casting a warm, intimate glow. The walls were adorned with classic Italian paintings, and the soft murmur of diners added to the cozy atmosphere. The scent of simmering sauces and freshly baked bread wafted through the air.

They were seated at a candlelit corner table, and the waiter presented them with the menus. Seher discreetly perused the menu but felt a little out of her element. She had not dined at many fine establishments and was unfamiliar with Italian cuisine. With a warm smile, she turned to Daniel and admitted, "I'm not very experienced with Italian food, and this menu seems quite extensive. Would you mind helping me choose something delicious?"

Daniel grinned, touched by her honesty and eager to assist. He recommended the restaurant's signature pizza, describing it as a delightful blend of flavors with a thin, crispy crust, fresh mozzarella, juicy tomatoes, and aromatic basil. Seher agreed to his suggestion, feeling grateful for his guidance.

When it came time to order drinks, Daniel ordered a bottle of red wine for himself. Seher, however, had never consumed alcohol and wanted to maintain that choice. She opted for a refreshing mocktail named "Sicilian Sunset," a concoction of citrus and berry flavors, elegantly presented in a tall glass with a slice of orange and a maraschino cherry. The vibrant colors and sweet taste delighted her palate.

As they savored the flavors of their meal, Seher decided to dig a little deeper into Daniel's life. She gazed into his eyes and asked, "So, Daniel, tell me about yourself. Your parents, your childhood... Do you have any siblings?"

Daniel took a sip of his wine, his expression briefly shifting to a more somber one, and he began to share his story. "Well, my parents, as I mentioned when we were at James's house, were very good friends with the Ericksons, James's parents. We actually lived here in New York. My father was an accountant, and he held a significant position in an accounting company. It's ironic, but James's father worked at the same company in the tech department. Our families became close friends right around the time we were born."

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