Chapter 36: Silent Echoes

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A week had slipped away since the echoes of Seher and Meher's birthday, leaving Daniel ensconced in the shadows of his office. For seven consecutive days, midnight marked not the quietude of slumber but the commencement of a relentless 19-hour sojourn into the confines of work, his office transforming into a haven of solitude and self-imposed exile.

Home had become a fleeting abstraction, a place where he reluctantly spent a few predawn hours before vanishing once again into the realm of professional dedication. His son, Liam, remained a specter in this nocturnal routine, the contours of his small form obscured by the veil of sleep. Despite this, Daniel couldn't resist the magnetic pull that drew him home each night, a silent observer near his son's bedside.

In those quiet moments, bathed in the soft glow of a bedside lamp, Daniel absorbed every nuance of Liam's innocent repose. Little hands, little feet, and the ephemeral expressions that danced across his son's face became fragments etched into Daniel's memory. He deciphered the unspoken tales of nightmares, sweet dreams, or dreamless slumber, a ritual that both comforted and haunted him.

A man known for boundless patience and enduring love found himself grappling with an unsettling metamorphosis. The echoes of that fateful day, where he unleashed his frustration not just on his son but also on a younger, more fragile soul, reverberated in his mind. The introspective journey led him to question the very essence of his identity as a father-a role he had envisioned shaped by the love and tenderness bestowed upon him by his own father.

In the torturous loop of contemplation, Daniel sought the elusive trigger that unraveled the fabric of his patience. Every word from Amelia, every inscrutable expression from Seher, and every cry from the children became fragments of a puzzle he desperately sought to solve. The guilt of spoiling a little girl's birthday and, worse, holding them too tightly, lingered like a stain on his conscience.

A once-loving father, now haunted by the specter of his own actions, found himself adrift in the sea of remorse. The mirror, once a reflection of warmth and familiarity, became a feared entity, and Daniel avoided meeting his own eyes, trapped in the numbness of self-condemnation.

Lost in contemplation during his drive home, a recurring realization struck Daniel once again. As he mechanically visited Liam's room each night, he followed the same routine with Meher's room, hoping to find solace by watching the little girl sleep. However, for the past seven nights, Meher was conspicuously absent.

Despite occasional nights when Meher slept with her mother, Seher was adamant about fostering Meher's independence, discouraging dependence on her presence. Meher's absence from her room raised alarm bells. Daniel could only deduce that his actions had left the little girl so traumatized that she couldn't bring herself to sleep alone for a week. This realization deepened the well of guilt within Daniel, making him feel even worse about himself, if that was even possible.

Navigating through the gates of Mitchell Mansion, Daniel acknowledged the guard with a subtle nod, opting to switch off his headlights to avoid disturbing the slumbering household. Casting a glance to the other side, he noticed a taxi stationed near the entrance. Just as he contemplated investigating the late-night visitor, a figure emerged from the vehicle.

In the muted darkness, the silhouette revealed itself to be Seher, prompting a surge of curiosity and questions within Daniel. Not only that, but Daniel noticed that Seher was cradling a slumbering Meher in her arms, triggering a surge of concern within him. Why were they alone on the city streets at midnight? Was Seher okay? Was Meher safe? Questions raced through his mind, realizing that Seher might have lost so much trust in him that she chose solitude over seeking his help. Without hesitation, he swiftly exited his car, determined to approach the mother and daughter.

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