Chapter 109: Sangria

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After dinner, with Meher and Vasily tucked into bed, the twins were engrossed in gaming with Beatrice seated between them while Victor was periodically scowling at the trio in the entertainment room. Meanwhile, the two couples and Konstantin relaxed in the sunroom, savoring drinks and conversation. Seher received a call from Elaine and excused herself to answer it. Upon her return five minutes later, she noticed Tatiana and Maximilian were absent.

"Where are they?" she inquired of Konstantin. He replied, "They've gone to prepare some 'adult hot chocolates,' as they called it." Konstantin then rose, his hand on his left side, prompting Seher's concern. "Are you alright?" she asked, noting his wince. He smiled reassuringly, nodding, and softly kissed her head before nodding to Valentin and departing the room.

Seher greeted the room's sole occupant, Valentin, with a smile. He stood and declared, "Well, I'm going to refresh my drink," gesturing towards the bar in the entertainment room. Curiously, he inquired, "But I've noticed you don't drink."

Seher shook her head gently, replying, "It's not that I don't drink. It's just that I have never had, I mean, I've never tried alcohol." Intrigued, Valentin asked, "How come?"

As they both settled back in their seats, Seher explained, "While growing up, particularly during my teenage years when it's common for children to experiment, I didn't get the chance. And then after Meher came along, and upon moving to Chicago, I've never had the opportunity to indulge. I didn't want to lose my inhibitions with Meher around."

Understanding her perspective, Valentin nodded and then proposed after a brief pause, "So, would you like to try it now? Now that you're in a safe environment, and the little one is sleeping comfortably, with so many people around to take care of her."

Contemplating his suggestion, Seher responded with a thoughtful expression, "I can try it now, right? Can't I?" Valentin offered a faint smile and extended his hand to her. With his assistance, she rose from her seat, and they made their way towards the entertainment room.

As the door swung open, Beatrice's frustrated cry, "I practiced for six months. How are you guys so good at this?" echoed through the room, prompting Seher's laughter. Victor, noticing their arrival, rose from his seat and joined them by the bar. "Finally, some adults," he muttered under his breath.

Seher chuckled at his remark, "Well, the adults were just in the next room. You could have joined us. It was your choice to sit here." Victor scowled in response, retorting, "I can't leave my girlfriend with these fools, can I?"

Gasping in amusement, Seher defended, "They are such well-behaved boys." Victor muttered under his breath, "Well-behaved, my ass." Valentin, rolling his eyes at the banter, interjected, "Seems like someone's feeling a bit envious, Sergei. My boys have inherited their charm from me, so if they wanted, they could easily steal your girl."

Seher burst into laughter at Valentin's remark, taken aback by his unexpected wit. She had never expected such humor from the imposing Russian mafia boss. Meanwhile, Victor, usually the instigator of trouble, found himself on the receiving end of Valentin's quip. Fuming, he directed his frustration towards the gaming console in Beatrice's hand, tossing it aside and prompting a yelp of protest from her.

Ignoring Beatrice's protests, Victor lifted her over his shoulders and stormed out of the room, shooting death glares at the Sokolov men as he left. Beatrice, still protesting, slapped his back as they exited the room.

The Mafia boss turned to Seher and suggested, "For your first time trying alcohol, I'll craft something sweet and tasty rather than neat. We'll begin with a lighter drink and gradually transition to straight liquor. By the time I leave, you'll be comfortable with a neat pour."

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