Chapter 77: What could've been?

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Daniel took a contemplative sip of his beverage, meeting Amelia's gaze with a certain gravity. "Amy, to understand all of this, I need to share what happened during those six months when you were absent, and Seher became part of my life," he began. As Amelia nodded, Daniel continued, delving into the intricate details of a chapter that had cast shadows over their relationship.

"You must know, Amy, I was drawn to Seher, and I desired a relationship with her. In my mind, our marriage lost significance during your lengthy absence. I realize it's painful for you to hear, and I recognize it now, amidst the shattering aftermath. Back then, though, I hadn't fully comprehended it. If I had, perhaps things might have taken a different course. Honestly, you weren't at the forefront of my thoughts," Daniel admitted his words carrying the weight of retrospection.

"I pursued Seher fervently, making promises of a happy family. These were substantial commitments, albeit uncertain, not intentionally false. They did, however, turn false in time, and it wasn't my intention for them to be so. They were more uncertain, resembling an elaborate bill I couldn't fulfill. With that backdrop, I took her on a pre-arranged date in New York after much convincing. She was clear about not entering a relationship until I was divorced, a condition I accepted. We also agreed to refrain from a physical relationship until that happened. Our progression continued, leading to another date in Chicago just weeks before I found you. In those moments, I experienced happiness with her, not considering how I'd react upon seeing you. Seher questioned me on that, but my responses were only partial truths," Daniel explained, his narrative pausing as he reflected on the unfairness of his actions.

Saying these words aloud underscored the unfairness, not only to Seher and Meher but also to Amelia. Daniel grappled with the realization that he, too, had a share in causing hurt to his wife, especially in the broader context where Amelia might have been in danger during her absence. Pursuing another woman while unaware of Amelia's well-being highlighted a larger culpability, making Daniel confront his shortcomings in the complex web of their relationship.

Daniel shifted his gaze towards Amelia, his words carrying the weight of honesty. "Now that you know all this, six months ago when I went to see Seher, I intended to apologize and be truthful with her, and that's what I did," he confessed. The air in the room grew tense as he continued, laying bare the complexities of his feelings.

"I spoke the cold, hard truths, expressing my genuine emotions. I told her that you are extremely important to me, but at the same time, I feel a certain passion, a different kind of connection, for Seher. I honestly shared that if there's even a hint of reciprocal feelings from her side, I would wait. If not, I asked her to be clear so that I could move on," Daniel recounted, his hand intertwined with Amelia's, seeking a connection amid the revelations.

Amelia's sharp intake of breath reflected the emotional impact of hearing her husband's conflicted feelings. Daniel, sensing her distress, spoke gently, "I'm sorry, my love. Hurting you is not my intention, we--." Amelia interrupted, "I know, Danny. It's alright. It's not like I don't know this. Continue."

Acknowledging her strength, Daniel proceeded, "She said no. Seher sees me as a very good friend, and admitted to having feelings for me in the past, but firmly believes that you and I are inseparable. She sees the importance you hold in my life and even acknowledges a genuine liking to you. She believes we love each other in our own ways," he explained, a bittersweet smile playing on his lips.

Amelia, processing the information, sought clarification, "So that's why you've been avoiding Seher?" Daniel nodded, fatigue evident, "Yes, Amelia. I told her, and I'm telling you, I'm not in love with her right now. Honestly, I'm not in love with you either but----". "I know I don't deserve it either," Amelia admitted, cutting him in between. Daniel didn't correct her, acknowledging the complexities of their emotions.

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