Chapter 34: A Fateful Unmasking

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As Seher made her way towards Amelia's room, she carried with her a carefully crafted speech, recognizing the pivotal importance of securing Amelia's agreement to her plan. Her objective was to depart from the Mitchell residence, yet she understood the necessity of preserving certain ties, particularly the friendship between Meher and Liam. To achieve this delicate balance, Seher realized she urgently needed Amelia on her side, if only for that specific aspect.

Approaching this encounter not as an employee but as a mother seeking understanding, Seher intended to reveal the unvarnished truth about her complicated relationship with Daniel. Amid the tumultuous events of the morning, Seher couldn't dismiss Amelia's subtle insinuation regarding Daniel's interest in the nanny. Acknowledging the partial truth in Amelia's words, Seher resolved to be transparent and candid in her conversation with Amelia, hoping to bridge understanding between them.

Upon reaching Amelia's door, prepared to speak openly, she paused upon hearing Rhonda conversing with Amelia inside. Although reluctant to eavesdrop, an inexplicable force led Seher to stand outside the door and listen to the unfolding conversation.

Amelia's frustrated tone reached Seher's ears, "What the hell do you want me to do now, Rhonda? Ronald is here. I saw him yesterday when I was out. What if he... What if he bumps into Daniel? Oh my god, I'm freaking out." Rhonda responded with a hint of exasperation, "So who the hell told you to cook up a story like this, El? Come on. I mean, how stupid can you be?"

Amelia's anger surfaced, "What the hell do you expect me to do, Rhonda? I had no option. You yourself told me that I needed to get the big guns out." Rhonda retorted in frustration, "But I didn't tell you to make up a story about getting assaulted, El. Are you not listening to me right now?"

A revelation struck Seher like a light bulb illuminating in her mind. It marked the second instance of Rhonda addressing Amelia as "El," triggering memories of the pantry conversation where Rhonda spoke about handling certain matters. Connecting the dots, Seher realized that Rhonda had been in communication with Amelia throughout.

Questions flooded Seher's mind. If Rhonda knew Amelia's whereabouts, why hadn't she informed Daniel? The mystery deepened with the introduction of someone named Ronald. The mention of fabricating a story about abuse added to the confusion. As she grappled with these thoughts, Seher recalled Daniel mentioning Amelia's traumatic past. Her eyes widened as the realization dawned-Amelia had woven a false narrative of abuse, involving someone named Ronald in the city.

Staggering back, the ground seemed to shift beneath Seher. The revelation unfolded, leaving her in a state of disbelief. The tangled web of relationships in the Mitchell residence took an unexpected turn, adding layers of complexity to the already intricate dynamics.

Seher, determined not to reveal herself, took a deep breath and pressed on with her eavesdropping, despite its disgraceful nature.

The woman in question, reinserting herself into her husband's life under false pretenses, had woven a sympathetic tale, even using the headaches as part of her act. Seher was nearly certain that Rhonda had already informed Amelia about her and the developing closeness between her and Daniel. The intricacies of human deception left Seher bewildered, struggling to comprehend such depth of deceit. This revelation meant that Amelia wasn't being kept in the dark intentionally.

Leaning in once more, Seher strained to catch snippets of Amelia's conversation with Rhonda.

"The Disneyland trip plan was a disaster," Amelia expressed, "but at least I stopped them from going. I need better plans from now on. The nanny's contract is expiring, and I spoke to her about that the other day. I hope, I mean, I really hope she's leaving."

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