Chapter 117: Apprehensions

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The first week of April unfurled, bringing with it a cascade of unwelcome news for the esteemed Romanov family. Amidst the delicate orchestration of Konstantin's medical treatment, a disconcerting truth emerged: his left kidney had ceased its function entirely, while the right, valiantly striving to uphold its duty, faltered at a mere fifty percent capacity. Despite the meticulous attention lavished upon him, coupled with the finest medical care and a carefully curated diet, the grim reality of Konstantin's predicament was laid bare by the sobering verdict of his attending physician: a kidney transplant was imperative.

While Konstantin harbored reservations about the notion of undergoing such a procedure, the prospect of being tethered to a dialysis machine several times a week, his life seeping away in the sterile confines of a hospital bed, held no allure for him, no, he envisioned a different ending-one permeated with warmth, surrounded by the loving embrace of his cherished family. If the end were to come sooner than anticipated, so be it, but it would not find him ensnared within the sterile confines of a hospital room. And thus, the Romanovs found themselves ensconced within the hallowed confines of Dr. Connors' office, the preeminent nephrologist in all of Chicago.

Amid their deliberations, Dr. Connors addressed the pressing matter at hand. "I'm not suggesting a definite timeline for his right kidney, but overburdening it at 50% functionality isn't advisable. We're equipped with two kidneys for a reason."

Maximilian, visibly frustrated, responded, "I understand your concern, Doctor, but what options do we have now that neither Victor nor I are suitable donors? Despite testing our staff, we've yet to find a match."

Dr. Connors nodded in acknowledgment. "But, the search must continue. Mr. Belitsky has been added to the donor registry, but finding a compatible match poses a challenge. Despite your influence, securing a donor is no easy feat, particularly with the stringent matching criteria for kidneys."

Victor interjected, suggesting a new avenue for exploration. "Maxim, we haven't considered testing Yelena yet. She's currently in Russia."

Maximilian regarded his brother with skepticism. "Even if she were a match, I doubt she'd be willing to assist Dedushka. The woman would rather die than help her family."

Victor, with a nonchalant grin, quipped, "Well, then her sacrifice would be commendable, wouldn't it?"

Though Maximilian shook his head at his brother's jest, he couldn't dismiss the possibility entirely. Testing Yelena might hold promise, given her familial connection to Konstantin.

On their way home from the doctor's office, Maximilian made a call to his friend, the Bratva king. "Valentin, I need your help," he said with urgency. After Valentin confirmed his willingness to assist, Maximilian elaborated, "I need to organize blood, HLA, and crossmatch test for Yelena. I'll have my doctor send you all the required documents immediately. We must determine if Yelena's kidney is a match for my dedushka."

Valentin expressed doubt. "Maxim, I can arrange the tests for you, but convincing Yelena to donate her kidney willingly will pose a considerable challenge. Are you prepared to resort to unconventional means if necessary?"

Maximilian took a moment to collect his thoughts. The prospect of having to coerce his mother into organ donation unsettled him deeply. "Valentin, let us focus on the test for now. If Yelena proves to be a match, I will try to persuade her. But, I am not willing to employ drastic measures, especially when it concerns my own mother."

Valentin acknowledged Maximilian's stance with a nod, assuring him of expedited results within a week. Despite the gravity of the situation, Maximilian clung to the hope that Yelena would recognize her father's plight and offer her assistance willingly. He remained steadfast in his resolve to avoid resorting to extreme measures, no matter the circumstances.

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