Chapter 46: Soul Searching

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On Tuesday morning, Amelia had her usual breakfast, consisting of two sunny-side-up eggs, a slice of toasted bread, avocado guacamole, and oat milk. However, a sense of unease lingered as she pondered the impending conversation with Daniel, uncertain of when he would return and share his plans. The previous day had been hectic for him, adding to the complexity of matters that needed addressing.

Foremost among these concerns was Daniel's inevitable inquiry about Seher and Meher's absence. Given Amelia's aversion to Seher and the revelation during their birthday celebration that she was aware of Daniel's interest in the nanny, she anticipated being held accountable for Seher's departure. While Amelia acknowledged her role in making life challenging for Seher since her return, the decision to leave was ultimately Seher's. Despite her fondness for Seher and the endearing nature of her daughter, Amelia, a generally open-minded woman, found herself hesitant to allow the constant presence of a young, attractive woman whom she knew her husband harbored feelings for, and vice versa. This reluctance stemmed from a desire to avoid unnecessary risks in their relationship, even if it meant letting Seher go.

Dealing with Daniel's potential anger and sorting out their parenting routine proved challenging for Amelia. While she initially shared her plan to work part-time from home for a few months with Daniel, Seher's absence prompted a need for a more in-depth discussion about their parenting strategy. Amelia contemplated hiring an office nanny for Liam and taking him directly to her workplace but hesitated, wanting her son to have a consistent routine on both weekdays and weekends.

Preferring not to be as strict as her own parents, Amelia aimed to instill discipline and time management skills in Liam. Randomly bringing him to the office whenever she pleased wasn't a feasible option. While the need for a nanny was evident, Amelia recognized that it wasn't the right time to discuss it. She intended to revisit the conversation with Daniel in a few months when she was ready to return to work. This time, she aimed for the nanny to be more like a grandmotherly figure than someone exceptionally attractive.

Amelia found humor in her own thoughts, acknowledging the unexpected challenges she faced. Despite popular clichés, Daniel wasn't influenced by physical beauty; it was inner beauty that captivated him. Despite being surrounded by stunning models, he remained unfazed, but Seher effortlessly captured his heart.

Amelia attempted to call Daniel to inquire about his plans, but the operator informed her that his number was switched off, likely due to his engagement in the ongoing tech conference. Reflecting on Daniel's pursuit of a partnership with Labyrinth Hospitality, she recalled her own firm's efforts nearly three years ago to establish a connection with the same company. Despite their attempts, the opportunity slipped away when Elizabeth Carrigan, the bitch, and her firm secured them as clients due to her brother's close association with the CEO. Concerned that Daniel might encounter a similar situation, Amelia hoped his partnership endeavors wouldn't be hindered by any unfavorable connections or influences.

Amelia rose from the table, and as Rhonda approached to collect the dishes, she turned to her with specific instructions. "Rhonda, I'm going out, and I'll be back by afternoon with Liam. I need you to prepare lunch for him, and it has to be something healthy. I don't know what he's had for the past three meals, so let's go with chicken breast featuring lemon and garlic dressing - Liam likes those flavors. Add a little barbecue sauce. Additionally, prepare some grilled beans; we'll try introducing them to his diet today. Since I'm incorporating greens, let's have a good dessert too. Make some chocolate mousse using high-protein yogurt. Prepare the same for me. After that, you and the rest of the staff can go home. Liam and I will manage dinner on our own. Alright?"

Rhonda, in her casual tone, responded, "Sure thing, El." Amelia gritted her teeth and whispered sharply, "Rhonda, how many times have I told you not to call me El? Especially when we're out." Rhonda apologized, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Mitchell."

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