Chapter 17: Unanticipated Promises

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Daniel rushed through his shower, driven by a newfound sense of urgency to talk to Seher. The thought struck him like a lightning bolt: he didn't know Seher's birthday. Liam's innocent conversation had triggered this realization. After quickly drying off and changing into a t-shirt and joggers, he consulted his mobile to find Seher's basic information. To his surprise, her birthday was approaching next month, sparking a desire to plan a special surprise for her. He also needed to ask her about Meher's special day, so that he does not miss it.

Exiting his room and entering the living room, he noticed that Seher was nowhere to be found. He searched through the kitchen, her room, and the children's rooms, but she remained elusive. His concern grew as he scoured the halls, moving from Liam's room to Meher's. It was during this quest that he glimpsed Seher approaching from his office's direction, her eyes glistening with tears. Her teary state deeply perturbed him, and he quickened his pace to reach her.

However, before he could inquire about the reason for her tears, Seher spontaneously threw herself into his arms, almost as if suspended in mid-air. This sudden embrace took him by surprise, but he instinctively reciprocated, enfolding her waist with his powerful arms. The cause of her tears remained a mystery to him, but he was grateful that she sought solace in his embrace.

After a brief pause, he extended a hand to tenderly stroke her hair, his voice laced with concern as he asked, "What happened, my love? Why are you crying? Is everything okay?"

Seher abruptly disengaged from the embrace, taking a step back to restore some distance between them. Her emotions were mixed with a tinge of self-consciousness for losing control, particularly when she had been resolute about avoiding any physical intimacy. She couldn't help but recollect Daniel's firm grip around her waist, his citrusy aroma, the lingering scent of his shower gel, and his moist hair playfully brushing her neck with water droplets from his recent shower. Her cheeks flushed as she chastised herself for objectifying Daniel.

This rapid sequence of Seher's emotions left Daniel genuinely puzzled. She had transitioned from tears to an embrace, then pushed him away, and now she was blushing. He shook his head in acknowledgment, conceding the age-old notion that understanding women was indeed a complex endeavor.

With cautious steps, Daniel extended her hand into his and inquired once more, "Seher, why were you crying, my love? Are you okay?" She re-focused her gaze on him, returning to the present moment and she teared up again.

Daniel let out a sigh, his tone bearing an undertone of urgency as he wiped away her tear stains. "Oh God, please don't cry. Why are you crying? What happened? Tell me, I'll fix it."

Seher took a deep breath, determined to halt any further tears. She opened her eyes and, as they welled up once more, she disclosed, "Someone from the office came for a few files for you, and I thought I would keep them in your office. I saw a picture frame with our photo from Diwali, featuring me, Meher, and Liam on your desk." Her tone bore a hint of curiosity, and then she whispered, as if fearful of the answer, "Why do you have that picture framed on your desk, Daniel?"

Daniel's tension eased upon realizing that the situation was less dire than he had initially thought. He gently drew Seher a little closer, his free hand caressing her cheek as he explained, "Because, my love, when I'm working, I miss you guys. And that picture keeps me grounded, serving as a reminder to finish my work and come back home to you." He went on to divulge, "I also have a similar one on my office desk, or well, it's in my office drawer for now, but it'll definitely find its place on my desk in the future." His words were like a soothing balm to reassure Seher.

Seher had an epiphany in that moment. She had been questioning Daniel's feelings and intentions all wrong. She realized that this man was deeply sincere about his emotions, both inside and out. It made her feel incredibly fortunate that a man of such external and internal beauty wanted to be a part of her life and her daughter's. His open and genuine expression of feelings made her feel like the queen of the world.

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