Chapter 65: A Present Surprise

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Hi Maximilian,
I have a bone to pick with you today. When I mentioned liking coffee-flavored chocolates, it was just to balance our info sharing, not an invitation for expensive gifts. I enjoyed them but prefer not to receive such costly presents. Our unique friendship shouldn't depend on giving each other expensive things. I'd like the freedom to express my preferences without expecting gifts. Although, I must thanks you for the chocolates, they were absolutely delicious and I relished every bite.
Since I am hosting a baby shower today (thank you for your wishes), and I've made traditional Indian food. Even though you prefer home-cooked meals, both you and Meher will have to share the same lunch due to time constraints.
I'm sending potato curry, white chickpea curry, kadhai paneer (cottage cheese curry), aloo gobi (potato and cauliflower), saffron kheer(rice pudding) and halwa, along with pooris.
To balance the richness, there are small thermoses of Kashmiri kahwa (Detox tea with almonds and saffron) for you and Victor for post-lunch. Please consume it hot and on time to avoid heartburn, even though it's intentionally not spicy for the pregnant palate.
P.S. Enjoy the pooris with all the curries, but I encourage you to try at least one with the halwa. You'll love the combination.
As usual, please consume hot and on time.
Best, Seher.

As Maximillian read the letter and relished the food, he couldn't help but appreciate the thoughtfulness of this woman once again. The detox tea she sent, anticipating the heaviness of the meal, showcased her caring nature, and Maximillian adored that about her. Despite her stern remarks about the chocolates he sent, he couldn't resist fulfilling her preference for the chocolate and coffee combination, a detail she had charmingly shared in her previous communication.

If he had his way, Maximillian would gather the world's best chocolatiers to create fresh batches of the finest coffee chocolates just for her. While that might be a future plan, for now, he pondered on the strong reaction a simple box of chocolates evoked in her. He could only imagine the intensity if he executed his elaborate plan. As the brothers enjoyed their elaborate lunch, Maximillian wondered how Seher's first event was unfolding. Despite her intention to offer her services for free, the host insisted on paying her, leaving Maximillian frustrated with her reluctance to value her work properly.

Tasting the combination Seher suggested, the brothers savored the explosive flavors, joking about the extra hour they'd need at the gym tonight. They agreed it was all worth it, recognizing that her food could fulfill even a dying man's wish.

At 10 minutes to 1, the next day, George Smith, Maximilian Romanov's most trusted and oldest driver, was leaving the Labyrinth premises to pick up his lunch, as he did routinely. Clutching a piece of paper that he identified as a letter, he hesitated to open it, lacking the courage to face his boss's potential anger, even though his curiosity was piqued. On his way, he was intercepted by Victor Sergei Romanov, the younger of the two brothers. Victor approached purposefully, whistling a tune, a telltale sign known to George as an indicator of trouble. Over the decade of working with the Romanov brothers, George had learned that Victor's cheerful demeanor and whistling weren't signs of happiness; they hinted at a more ominous purpose.

George's anxiety escalated as Victor intercepted him on his way to pick up his boss's lunch, a meal surrounded by curiosity among office staff. He sensed Victor was up to no good, potentially jeopardizing his job or even his life. As Victor stopped in front of George with a smile, George greeted him, "Afternoon, Mr. Romanov. How can I help you?" Victor casually addressed him, "Georgie, my friend," placing an arm across his shoulders. Suspicion filled George as he awaited Victor's revelation. Victor, with mock innocence, asked, "I think you are going to pick up my brother's lunch," a fact both men were well aware of. Nodding in confirmation, George reluctantly followed Victor towards the lift, hands still draped over his shoulders, heading down to the parking lot.

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