Chapter 70: Red Hot

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Maximilian strolled into the office, whistling with a playful smile. Spotting Beatrice passing by in the hall, he called her over, instantly instilling a bit of trepidation. Despite him being a family friend, Maximilian was an intimidating presence. Beatrice looked around and responded, "Yes, sir." He ordered her to his cabin, and she obediently followed her boss's boss.

Upon entering his cabin, Maximilian groaned upon seeing Victor comfortably seated in his chair. He addressed his brother, "Sitting in the boss's chair is a punishable offense, and the punishment could be severe, especially in our kind of organization, bratiska" (little brother).

Victor just chuckled, "Well, bratt (brother), you see, right now you are not Maximilian Belitski; you are sweet, nice Maxi, and nice Maxi won't kill me just because I sat in his extra comfortable chair, right?" Maximilian rolled his eyes, ordering him to get up, and Victor huffed like a child but complied.

Glancing at the door, Victor noticed his assistant, Beatrice standing there, looking at him with a disapproving expression. He smiled wider, "Ah, look at that, it's my firecracker. Are you planning on changing bosses now, kotenok (kitten)?" Victor walked towards Beatrice, who stood straight, avoiding eye contact and focusing on Maximilian, seated comfortably in his chair, observing the unfolding scene. This wasn't something new and he had seen Serg push the girl's buttons one too many times, often wondering when his younger brother would finally grow some balls and realize his feelings for the redhead.

"Now, now, darling," Victor said, now standing right in front of the woman. "Isn't it wrong, not replying to your boss? You should be punished, krasny (red). Shouldn't she be punished, Maxim?"

Maximilian rolled his eyes, "Victor, get out. I want to talk to Beatrice. Save the flirting and foreplay for your own time, not during office hours."

Victor turned to Maximilian with narrowed eyes, stating, "Look, Ethan is a pretty competent assistant and if not, find another. I'm not going to let you have mine, just because you are the boss." At this, Maximilian groaned, "I'm not taking away your assistant, Serge. I just need to ask her something. So, get out."

Victor smiled mischievously, "I'm not leaving. I want to sit here and listen to what you want to ask. After all, she is my employee, and her safety and security are my primary concern, so----", but Beatrice interrupted, looking at Victor sharply, "Mr. Sergio, I don't feel unsafe or unsecured with elder Mr. Romanov, so you can go."

Victor smirked, "Do you think, it's wise of you to be ordering me around, kotenok (kitten)?" Leaning closer, he whispered lowly in her ear, "Would that be good for your little ass or what I am sure is an already sore pussy?" Beatrice looked at him wide-eyed, then shifted her gaze to Maximilian for a split second, before looking down with cheeks as red as her hair.

Maximilian shook his head and looked at his brother with a hardened gaze, "Tebe nuzhno perestat' bespokoit' devushku. Ona mozhet uvolit'sya, i ya ne ishchu dlya tebya drugogo pomoshchnika. Ne zabyvayte, chto Vincenzo ne otnesetsya k etomu legkomyslenno." (You need to stop bothering the girl. She might quit, and I'm not looking for another assistant for you. Not to forget, Vincenzo will not take it lightly.)

But Victor only chuckled, "O, ya ne boyus' mal'chika s makaronami. YA mogu spravit'sya s nim." (Oh, I'm not afraid of the pasta boy. I can handle him). Beatrice observed the two with curious eyes, trying to comprehend their conversation. While she had caught her cousin, Vincenzo's name amongst all the Russian gibberish, she chose to remain silent.

"Now, little Lombardi," Maximilian began looking at her, "I need some assistance from you." 

"From me, sir?" Beatrice asked, stupefied.

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