Chapter 57: Homely and Warm

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As Ashley emerged from the kitchen, a tray in her trained hand, she muttered about the supposed waiter, her twin brother Ashton, being a lazy flirt with Seher, as usual. Frustrated by his distraction, she snorted at Seher's apparent lack of interest in Ashton's advances. Ashley, with a tray of food for a particularly handsome man approached their table. The man's striking appearance had caught even Ashley's attention, despite her lack of interest in men. Wondering how straight women reacted to him, she shook her head at her own musings.

Coming closer, Ashley halted abruptly as she observed Meher, her boss's lively daughter, engaged in animated conversation with the handsome stranger. The adorable scene unfolded with Meher in pastels, a bundle of energy, holding the attention of the dark-clad Greek God with her broken language. Astonished by the unexpected connection, Ashley couldn't help but appreciate the charming sight.

Ashley almost facepalmed as she realized her distraction by the man's good looks had caused her to overlook a more critical aspect-Meher approaching a stranger. Recognizing the potential danger, Ashley shook her head, acknowledging this wasn't the first time such a situation had arisen. Meher's extroverted nature led her to talk to everyone, often flashing smiles in all directions. Seher, being occupied in the kitchen, couldn't always keep a watchful eye on her. Reflecting on a previous incident when Meher befriended someone while left alone, Ashley sighed. Despite countless warnings about stranger danger, Meher's friendly nature persisted.

Feeling the need to address this with Seher, Ashley anticipated another stern conversation about the importance of safety. She knew Meher would apologize, but it would likely have little impact, as the young girl's innate tendency to make friends with everyone prevailed, undeterred by cautionary words.

Ashley approached the table, forcing a smile as she meticulously arranged the dishes. When Ashley turned her attention to Meher with angry eyes, she was met with the little one's billion-dollar smile and her eye twitched. Despite Meher's irresistibly adorable expressions, Ashley knew she had to maintain a stern demeanor. Channeling a bit of faux firmness, she addressed Meher, "Baby, what are you doing here? Haven't we told you not to disturb the guests?" Meher responded with a visible pout, seeking support from her newfound friend, who, in turn, regarded Ashley with a hint of anger.

The contrasting physical features made it evident to any observer that Meher wasn't Ashley's daughter. Meher's Indian heritage stood in stark contrast to Ashley's all-American appearance. Despite the lack of a familial bond, Maximilian sensed the protectiveness rising within him. Though he had met Meher just 15 minutes ago, the idea of someone scolding his little friend ignited a wave of fury in him.

As he teetered on the edge of saying something he shouldn't, Ashley interjected with a smile, offering an apologetic explanation, "I am extremely sorry, sir. She is actually our chef's daughter, and with her mother being occupied in the kitchen, she often ventures out to the guests. I assure you, she did not mean to disturb you. It's just that she has an extremely friendly nature, and we have reminded her countless times about not approaching strangers." Turning to Meher, Ashley shot her a stern glare, adding, "But someone just does not seem to listen." Maximilian felt a sense of relief, acknowledging the validity of Ashley's explanation.

Meher appeared like a precious gem, and the thought of her approaching strangers tugged at Maximilian's protective instincts. She was so petite that he could almost fit her in his pocket. However, he realized that he, himself, wasn't the kind of person a child like Meher should approach on her own. Before he could express his concern, Meher interrupted, looking at him with wide green eyes and a pout on her face, "Maxi, Ashwey angry."

Then, she turned to Ashley, saying, "Ashwey, Maxi no straner, Maxi my fwiend. And he sooo sweet, look." Ashley widened her eyes in surprise because the man Meher referred to as Maxi hardly seemed sweet. His aura, according to Ashley's beliefs, was not just grey; it was entirely black. The contradiction between Meher's perception and reality was both amusing and alarming.

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