🍋Fall From Grace🍋

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The memories haunted Katsuki. He spent his entire childhood degrading and bullying Midoriya. Those pretty green eyes always looked at him with admiration and love. Izuku was quirkless though. He couldn't be a hero. No way. He was too weak to be a hero. You can't be a quirkless hero. Bakugou had to stop him from taking that risk and instead protect him. In his mind, it was just natural to bully him so much that he eventually gave up. He never wanted this.

At ten years old, Katsuki had killed someone.

No, not a villain or any bad guy. He killed his childhood best friend. The words he had spoken rang clear through his head.

Swan dive off the roof.

Don't actually. That wasn't supposed to happen. It was supposed to just scare Izuku. Make him realize that his dreams weren't possible and be a teacher instead or something.

Swan dive off the roof.

It wasn't supposed to be serious. He wasn't supposed to take it seriously. Izuku, it was a joke. Jesus it was a joke!

Swan dive off the roof.

The memories of what he had done kept Katsuki up at night.

He lived with the guilt. It was a mistake that he got into UA. Such a mistake. He wasn't a hero. The note Izuku wrote him before his suicide was still in his drawer. Gosh it made him feel like shit. Even through a suicide note, Izuku was still hopeful 'I'll get stronger in my next life, Kacchan! And then we can be equals.'

That absolutely killed him. 'I love you, Bakugou Katsuki. I always have.' 'Stupid Deku'.

Tears welled in his eyes. Crying over Izuku Midoriya was so natural. It was constant. If he found someone who could send people back in time, he would ask to be sent to childhood years and save Izuku.

Bakugou loved the stupid Deku. Those big green eyes. That mess of green curls on the top of his head. Often his dreams were filled with images of him and Izuku all grown up and being the top two heroes.

These dreams were filled with Katsuki praising his darling Midoriya and kissing him until they couldn't breathe.

His obsession with his childhood friend was getting unhealthy. The blonde had only ever kept hope that maybe Midoriya was alive because the body was never found. They said he jumped off of the school building roof. But where was the body? There wasn't evidence. Maybe Izuku was still alive. The stupid Deku wouldn't die that easy. He still needed to follow Katsuki around like a dumb puppy. He still had to cheer Bakugou on. Midoriya couldn't die and Katsuki would search for him until he himself died.

Then what seemed like fate happened. That fateful day happened during an attack on their school. Villains were infiltrating and attacking students, more like trying to kill them.

There seemed to be no reason for this attack. It was random and had no clear goal. Not that anyone knew of.

Bakugou dragged himself down halls to help. It wasn't really how he wanted to spend his Saturday. The blonde halted in the gym. He knew those people. It was that creepy blonde girl with knives and Shigaraki himself were standing there.

The girl gasped "is that him? Is that the Kacchan boy?" The name made him freeze. Only Izuku had ever called him that. Bakugou choked out "you know Midoriya?" The girl smiled gently "oh Katsuki. We're his partners. You didn't know that he was alive did you? He's so pretty. Right Shiggy?" Shigaraki nodded "sure. He's adorable. And he wants Bakugou alive, Toga. Keep it simple."

Bakugou's head was spinning. Izuku was alive? And he was pretty? Well Katsuki always knew Midoriya was pretty. Anybody who looked at the greenette knew he was pretty. But that wasn't the point. He was alive and he wanted Katsuki. Kacchan. The idea of being called that again was all he needed.

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