Chapter 4 - The Villainess, Bianca (4)

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Bianca’s nanny had told her that she would experience splitting pain during her first intimate relation with a man, and that there would even be blood. Even if her chin may end up trembling from the unprecedented pain, Bianca wasn’t worried about the blood part. How could that possibly frighten her when she was already experiencing that once a month?

However, what did throw her into a state of panic was the fact that she would have to be stripped bare in front of Zachary and be pressed against his own exposed skin. Just thinking about having to bare her skin in front of a man for the first time caused the hairs on the back of her neck to stand and a shiver to run down her spine. Her husband was sure to let out a disappointed sigh once he laid eyes on her figure, which was rather small compared to others her age…

It wasn’t that she felt inferior for having a chest that wasn’t as voluptuous as others, or a height that wasn’t as tall as others. She never saw them as shortcomings either. Even so, the reason why she was concerned over what Zachary may think of her body was because she hated the possibility of him finding faults in her. Was there anyone who would enjoy being openly ridiculed for their body? Bianca wasn’t confident that she would be able to handle such a situation in a dignified manner, and that was how she came to self-explain the cause behind her state of panic.

Although Zachary would never actually do such a thing, the past Bianca wouldn’t put it past him as he was someone who always got on her nerves–someone unwelcome.

Still, she could not refuse him as she had no grounds to do so. No matter how much one could argue that Bianca had been ignoring all her responsibilities, sleeping with Zachary was something she needed to agree to as his wife. Bianca’s nanny had told her that the reason their consummation was put on hold was Zachary being considerate of her.

Bianca had snorted when she heard the word ‘considerate.’ It wasn’t consideration but negligence. He had tossed her aside, finding her annoying, and was only coming to find her now in order to quiet the concerns of his vassals.

And so, while Bianca did her best to suppress her nervousness, the week flew by and she found herself having to face her husband while dressed in fine robes. Though she was unable to stop her body from trembling, she raised her chin in an act of nonchalance, her light-green eyes glittering defiantly under her reddish-brown lashes. Bianca didn’t think it’d be hard, at least, that was the case until she was finally embraced by her husband.

She had learned the basics of coitus, but she found that the act of actually doing it was completely different from what she had learned. Bianca closed her eyes tight and bit down on her lips, afraid that she’d let out a scream otherwise. There was a sharp pain that sprung from between her quivering legs, body shaking helplessly everytime Zachary moved. It felt like she was on a boat in the middle of a storm, rocking back and forth. That was how powerless she was.

Bianca had unconsciously attempted to crawl away due to the pain, but found herself trapped when Zachary’s hand closed over hers, which was gripping onto the sheets. As a warrior, Zachary was much bigger than the frail Bianca. Holding her in his embrace prevented her from moving another inch.

Bianca was now face down on the bed, faint tremors racking her body, and her brown hair flowed messily behind her pale neck. Feeling Zachary’s lust-filled breath by her ear caused Bianca’s mind to go blank.

That night, Zachary didn’t let Bianca go. He released himself inside of her relentlessly, and Bianca had no choice but to continue accepting him to the point the space between her legs was drenched. And this act carried on till the break of dawn.

Her first time had left her with nothing but fear and shock. It had felt like she was being swallowed by a beast. Even if it was her duty, it was nothing but terrible. Never wanting to do such a thing with a man ever again, Bianca began to desperately push Zachary away since then.

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