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Bianca, who toured the mansion guided by Vincent, stopped at the meat storage, the bakery, the brewery, and the farm instead of the garden during her usual walks from that moment on.

There was nothing in particular to do when she stopped, nothing to ask or interfere with the work. She simply watched the servants work.

For Bianca, it was just a matter of extending her walking route a bit, but it felt as if the world had changed with just that.

The air brushing against her skin, the landscape unfolding before her eyes, and the voices of the people. The smell of life, accompanied by noise, penetrated her skin and shook her head.

She was barely accustomed to the noisy commotion, but she could feel how much she had lived isolated from the world until now.

When she wandered through the kingdom after being expelled from the castle before her return, she couldn't afford to look around as she does now.

The wounds of her lover Fernand's betrayal blinded her vision. She knew nothing, and she couldn't even give her heart because everyone in the world seemed like swindlers. Everyone around her was harsh and cold. That was when she first learned that ignorance could hold her head up. Recalling that moment, Bianca's lips twisted with anxiety.

The servants did not like the lady's visit. It was already difficult with just the stern gaze of the butler, but who knows what flaws the lady wants to find? She does not blame them directly, but it must be because she simply does not want to speak to the servants. She will return to her luxuriously decorated room and discuss them with the butler. The servants continued to watch Bianca, and as such, things did not progress very well.

Bianca, who does not worry too much about others, or Gaspard, who seems calm even if lightning suddenly strikes from the sky, were not concerned. But Yvonne quickly noticed their discomfort.

However, there was nothing Yvonne could do about it.

The unknown is always painful. It may not be familiar to them that Bianca is touring the estate, but they will get used to it after a while. Yvonne believed so.

However, it was unfortunate that Bianca received unwanted glances from others, regardless of their beliefs.

Yvonne's heart sank every time she took a step onto the dirt-covered land and puddles of water, and not on a well-maintained path covered in soft soil.

Mud splashed on the hem of her clothes, but Bianca didn't show a single sign of disgust.

Perhaps it's because she's not the one who fixes the clothes? Or is it because she'll buy new clothes?

The servants were even more embarrassed when she didn't show disgust. Would it have been better if she were a bit more unpleasant?

Yvonne shook her head. Just as a bird cannot understand the words of a rabbit, the servants and Bianca couldn't understand each other. She couldn't even imagine Bianca, a noble by birth, working with mud on her face.

Contrary to Yvonne's ironic thought, Bianca not only had her face covered in mud but also dressed in rags and walked barefoot on a gravel path.

To get a handful of water, she licked rainwater from cracks in the rocks and devoured moldy bread. That was her situation before her return, but the memory of that time was still vividly engraved in Bianca's mind.

Birth may be noble, but there's no guarantee it will remain so until the end.

Who would have thought that Zachary, who had been granted the rank of Baron, would become a Count and a strong shield for the next king, and who would have thought he would collapse in vain on the battlefield just before wielding such power?

A Marriage of Convenience /The Marriage Business Where stories live. Discover now