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"Not just because of that. The second prince..."

Zachary frowned. He was contemplating how much to say. What were the words that surfaced and disappeared from his mouth? Bianca patiently waited for his words to continue.

"...He is a cunning man. Since I don't know what he will do, I hope you don't get too close to him."

It wasn't until a long time later that Zachary defined Jacob as a "cunning man." It was a resolute definition that showed he didn't care at all that Jacob was a prince.

Zachary's voice conveyed the displeasure he felt towards Jacob. Zachary, who always seemed calm and didn't strongly show his likes and dislikes, reacted in such a way that it was clear how much he hated Jacob.

It wasn't just because he was a political enemy. From Zachary's subtle tone, Bianca could sense his reluctance for her and Jacob to get involved.

Perhaps he misinterpreted Jacob's "tell me what bothers you" as flirting towards Bianca. With her husband, Zachary, by her side, it was natural to take it as an act that wounded his pride.

No matter how Zachary took the situation, Bianca nodded at the advice to stay away from Jacob. Until now, she had had many conflicts with Zachary, but Bianca also sympathized with him when it came to Jacob.

He was definitely a cunning man.

He demonstrated it by joining hands with the Kingdom of Aragon. Almost twenty years had passed. It was only after he devoured Sevran that Jacob joined Aragon. Upon ascending the throne, Jacob married a princess from Aragon. Perhaps it was with the intention of solidifying the alliance.

If that had been the case, Bianca would not have been so hesitant with Jacob. But not long after Jacob became king, the affair involving the Princess of Aragon caused a scandal. The opponent was the escort of the princess from Aragon. Jacob found them sleeping together.

Some said it was due to homesickness and loneliness from living abroad.

There were many speculations about the reason behind the affair. Everyone cursed the princess. Even the Kingdom of Aragon couldn't hold its head high because of this.

The momentum of the Kingdom of Aragon was on the rise after they had decisively helped Jacob ascend the throne, but after the princess's affair was discovered, they were only grateful for Jacob's mercy in keeping her as queen without expelling her even after committing an affair.

But Bianca couldn't curse the princess. She felt a sense of shame. Wasn't Bianca also expelled for the same reason? She fell into the trap with her own feet. It horrified her to think that the same thing could have happened to the princess.

Jacob was such a man.

Bianca remembered the blue eyes that looked at her. The sensation of a snake slithering was so vivid. Even if Zachary hadn't asked for this, Bianca would have fled first. Bianca nodded, trying to calm her goosebumps.

"I know."

Bianca's voice was firm, as if there was no room for reconsideration. But Zachary still couldn't shake off his anxiety. He reminded Bianca over and over again. For Bianca, listening to it was exhausting.

"If you ever come across anything, distance yourself even with the excuse of being sick. Always stay by Gaspard's side."

"Don't worry. The second prince must be very busy working. Can we easily meet in this spacious palace?"

Bianca smiled as if she wasn't worried, but Zachary remained silent without responding. As if he disagreed with Bianca's words, his forehead wrinkled, casting a shadow over his eyes.

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