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When Jacob heard the news, he was so excited that he couldn't even breathe.

Simultaneous attacks against Aragon, unprecedented support... The intervention of the Paladins was so significant that they set up a triple obstacle to stop Zachary!

However, if the only news that reached him was the involvement of the Paladins in the war and Zachary's subsequent victory, he would have merely gritted his teeth because he was disgustingly lucky, and he wouldn't have trembled with the sense of betrayal he felt as if he had been struck in the back of the head with a hammer.

Bianca was the saint who tried to find out who she was in every possible direction to prevent the Paladins from intervening. He felt horrified by the disappointment.

Jacob closed his eyes and thought of Bianca. Her white face, full of features, was surprisingly cold when he looked at her, and at first glance, there was even hostility.

Bianca had a fierce charm that was quite different from the typical beauty of Sevran. Jacob fell in love with her at first sight.

However, there were moments when he suddenly had to think objectively.

What was so special about her that captured his heart? Was it just her appearance? Was that why he was so moved by the desire to have her?

Jacob didn't consider himself such a sordid and callous human being. He thought there must be some other reason that he wasn't aware of...

And now he knows why. Somehow, she was so coveted. His instinct was to notice her uniqueness from the beginning.

He must have also been chosen by God to be king. That's why he was so attracted to her. The idea of that made him even more annoyed with Zachary.

"If it weren't for him...! He's just lucky. Perhaps, knowing that Bianca was a saint, he forced her to send the Paladins. A hero who borrows power from his wife, does he even have any pride?"

But Jacob didn't have time to blame Zachary.

Defeat after defeat. When the Paladins also intervened, Aragon, which had barely cheered up with Gautier's death, tried to slip away again.

They also expressed regret, saying that they were not against the Church. Aragon was also a religious kingdom. They showed extreme reluctance to oppose Count Arno and the Paladins who protect the Saint. No matter how greedy they were for Sevran, can they go against the will of God?

"Anyway, those indecisive bastards...!"

If Aragon turns around like this, they will have neither this nor that. How can Jacob not understand his father's intentions to hand over the throne to the young Albert? It would be good if he could become Albert's regent, but if someone else takes his place....

Now that Bianca turned out to be the Saint, perhaps the king will appoint Zachary as regent for Albert, even to attract the power of the Church. That's why he can't allow that to happen. Jacob had to somehow convince Aragon to continue the attack.

And there was only one way to convince Aragon... It was an unavoidable choice, but Jacob quite liked the method.

On the way, Jacob secretly summoned the nobles who followed him. Since they were all sensitive, they moved quickly at Jacob's call. In such a gathering of nobles, Jacob made a shocking proposal.

"The Count Arno's fiefdom...? Do you want to attack it?"

"Not against Count Arno, his territory".

Jacob calmly responded with a clear voice to the astonished noble. In the face of his natural demeanor, the nobles looked at each other in disbelief.

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