Chapter 17 - A Wounded Palm (5)

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It’s almost as if he’s worrying about me.

But that was impossible.

Bianca shook her head, erasing the thought. The Zachary she knew was not ‘that’ kind of man.

Nevertheless, her honor had been protected in front of the servants, so everything worked out in the end. Breathing a small sigh of relief, Bianca turned to head for her room.

It was clear she had no intention of listening to Vincent, who trailed after her despite her flat refusal. As Zachary’s loyal right-hand man, he was unyielding, repeating the order he had received.

“The lord has ordered me to call for the doctor, madam.”

“He also said not to cause a commotion. I’ll take care of it on my own, so you can leave and go about your duties,” Bianca replied curtly without so much as a glance back. Her quick, short steps continued on determinedly until she disappeared from view.

Bianca was just like Zachary in that neither of them bothered to listen to anyone else, only saying what they had to say before departing. Vincent let out a sigh as he watched Bianca’s prideful and stubborn figure walk away.

Sensing that the doctor would most likely just have the door slammed in his face if he visited now, Vincent decided he would send him later. He concluded he would settle what he needed to take care of instead of continuing to follow Bianca.

Ante was still on the ground, stunned and sniffling.

“Cease your tears,” Vincent said coolly, shooting her a frigid look.

Mistakenly thinking Vincent was comforting her, Ante sniffed and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.

Because Vincent ran the castle on behalf of Bianca, who had essentially abandoned her duties, employing and managing the servants also fell under his purview. Like master, like servant: Vincent appeared cold at first, but in actuality, he was a superior who treated his employees well. Hence, Ante believed Vincent would console her and send her on her way after a light scolding. However, all of her expectations crumbled away when he continued.

“Pack your bags and prepare to go home.”

“Sniffle, sniffle… Wha–?”

Ante’s eyes grew round, like she couldn’t understand what she had just heard. Her face exuded a melancholic beauty, as she had been in the middle of putting on a sorrowful act, but due to being stained by blood and tear tracks, it also looked rather grotesque. Just like her inner heart.

Vincent snorted, dumbfounded by Ante’s foolishness. He made his explanation slow and concise so that she could get a proper grip on the situation.

“Did you not hear what the lord said earlier? I was ordered to ensure no such commotions occur ever again, commotions you are the cause of.”

“But sir…!”

“Being tight-lipped is the virtue of a servant. You are ill-suited for this castle with those loose lips of yours. Pack your things unless you wish to be kicked out without even the clothes on your back.”

Vincent spoke firmly, having perfectly understood Zachary’s intent.

There was no guarantee that a cat that tried to climb on top of a stove wouldn’t try it again. As Ante had gone after Bianca once already, Vincent felt a headache just thinking about what she might try to do again.

He wouldn’t have to worry about Ante’s big mouth or her behavior if he kicked her out, and it would serve as a warning to the other servants. It would kill two birds with one stone. Ante had stepped so far out of line that she could have been rolled in a straw mat and flogged, so she had gotten off relatively easily. Vincent inwardly shook his head.

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