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In the end, Bianca dismissed all her maids as useless and prohibited any interference except for her own orders. With no one by her side, even the maids who cleaned her room or served meals were replaced periodically. Years passed, and Bianca didn't feel familiar with Yvonne's care. But it wasn't a bad feeling. Contrary to her expectation that it would be cumbersome, it was even pleasant.

Under Yvonne's meticulous touch, Bianca's outfit was adjusted, and in her mink-lined leather gloves, she held a hand warmer. The warmth spread, and the body that had been as cold as ice gently relaxed. Bianca sighed in satisfaction of the warmth, and only then did she notice Yvonne.

The protruding wool skirt looked thin, and the cotton piece that seemed to be worn inside was also thin. When she looked closely, she saw that there were no more than one or two layers of fabric inside. It seemed like she was wearing all the clothes she could put on. It must have been a desperate measure, but it didn't seem so effective and looked ugly. Bianca, who belatedly noticed Yvonne's outfit, asked with a furrowed brow.

"Now that I think about it, what's with your clothes?"

"Everyone dresses like this. Unlike you, Madam, I'm strong."

Yvonne smiled as she revealed this. She hit her forearm with her palm, saying she was strong, but the skin on her fingertips was swollen from the cold. Bianca unconsciously grabbed Yvonne's hand. Yvonne was surprised, as was Bianca, who held her hand.

Bianca hid her embarrassment and asked as if nothing had happened.

"Isn't the tip of your nose red too? And the other maids don't dress like you. The maid who was impudent with me yesterday was wearing much better clothes. Isn't the money you receive not enough?"

"It's not like that."

Bianca, who is half a palm shorter than Yvonne, worried about Yvonne like a child concerned about an adult. Bianca was sixteen years old, and Yvonne was twenty-one, so the age difference wasn't significant.

Yvonne hesitated for a moment. She wants to show her best image to Bianca, who is like her younger sister, but she was afraid it would feel like she was getting close to Bianca to gain an unfair advantage if she talks about her family situation.

Moreover, the person standing beside her is Sir Gaspard, known as "the iron wall." One of Count Arno's three commanders. It was embarrassing to reveal her family situation in front of him, as he was one of the men all the castle servants envied.

But it was only embarrassing for her. As much as it was a really insignificant reason, it was absurd to hide it as if it was something else. Her ears turned red with embarrassment, but Yvonne stammered and spoke bravely.

"I often send money because I have many relatives back home. But I heard there wasn't enough firewood this winter, so I sent more."

"I don't think it was just a little more."

"Actually, this time it was money to buy new winter clothes. Still, I have my original winter clothes, so I thought it would be fine for this year."

"The clothes you're wearing now aren't winter clothes. Come to think of it, the clothes you were wearing yesterday weren't as thin as today's. Where did your clothes from yesterday go?"


Upon Bianca's words, probing into every detail, Yvonne couldn't continue speaking and kept her mouth shut. Yvonne wasn't lying. She was just silently hiding the shameful facts. Yvonne bit her lip.

Ante, who was expelled for her inappropriate comments against Bianca, had quite a few friends among the maids. Her pretty face and frank attitude made her an idol among her peers, and men pursued the beautiful Ante.

A Marriage of Convenience /The Marriage Business Where stories live. Discover now