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It was Zachary who was there. She couldn't see his detailed expression due to the distance, but she could definitely feel that his expression was unusual.

His gaze was so sharp that it felt like he was only looking at her. Bianca's heart pounded as she wondered what else she had done to upset him.

"Why do you look like you're not feeling well today? Are you upset because you waited too long? Or is it because you were told that I threw your clothes at will...?"

Even Bianca knew that Zachary wasn't complicated enough to get angry just because his clothes were thrown. However, interfering with his luggage on behalf of his wife could be offensive.

She wished she could tell him that he's angry about this and that. Zachary presented an uncomfortable image in front of her, but he never told her what was against his heart. That made Bianca feel frustrated.

While Bianca stood still, Zachary approached her. Everyone who read the atmosphere took a step back and left. Zachary called her softly.


"Have you been waiting for long?"


Contrary to his disgruntled face, his voice calling Bianca was soft and gentle. It seemed like he wanted to ask something, but instead of blurting it out, he swallowed and approached Bianca.

Bianca looked at the hand he was extending. His hand was large enough to cover hers, and he was waiting for her without hesitation. Bianca carefully placed her hand on his.

As soon as Bianca's fingertips touched Zachary's palm, his long, thick fingers held Bianca's hand tightly as if it was a trap. As if he didn't want to let go.

Zachary's palm tickled her. It was because of the wet sensation of his body heat and the musky scent coming from him. Bianca resisted the urge to remove her hand.

Then, holding Zachary's hand, Bianca reached the front of the carriage.

The carriage, which was larger than a decent thatched-roof house, had a perfect exterior and interior. The four horses pulling the carriage snorted.

The wheels were as big as those of a cart, and she had to climb the stairs to get inside the carriage. Bianca ascended the steps in front of the carriage.

Zachary nodded in satisfaction after confirming that Bianca had entered the carriage and sat safely. He added one last concern.

"The journey will be difficult because it will take a long time. If you have any difficulty, just let me know."

"Don't worry."

Having said that, Bianca had no intention of saying that it was difficult. Even if it's difficult anyway, the journey will have to continue, and she will only gain notoriety for being fussy for no reason.

Only after the escort ended, Bianca was able to breathe a sigh of relief. Bianca buried her body deep into the cushioned seat and looked out the window as Yvonne boarded the carriage. It was to serve and take care of Bianca. The carriage was large enough to wonder if it was alright for just the two of them. Yvonne looked amazed as she peered inside the colorful carriage.

"Wow... I think the Count paid a lot of attention to the carriage."

"Yes. It certainly seems so."

Bianca smiled and tapped her finger on the carriage window frame. Even the window frames were adorned with sculptures, so there was nothing wrong with the carriage.

Outside the carriage, there was a commotion as if they were conducting a final inspection. Familiar voices, the sound of horseshoes, and the clashing of weapons mixed here and there, and the carriage began to move slowly. As plush as the cushions were, the sensation of the wheels rolling and rattling resonated in Bianca's body. It was similar to the first time she rode a horse, but it felt different.

A Marriage of Convenience /The Marriage Business Where stories live. Discover now