Chapter 14 - A Wounded Palm (2)

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“That’s what everyone thinks, you know? The knights and the servants.”

Bianca hadn’t thought much of it even up to that comment. After all, Ante wasn’t wrong. Bianca’s reputation amongst the castle servants and Zachary’s vassals wasn’t exactly the best. As a result, no one had stood up for her when she was ousted by Viscount Hugues in her past life. A bitter smile marred her lips.

At the very least, it was fortunate that the conversation between her and Zachary in his room earlier hadn’t been leaked. Zachary really hadn’t been welcoming towards her, matching the maid’s inciting expectations. Bianca let out a sigh of relief. If word of what happened earlier had gotten out, confirming the assumptions she was a forsaken wife, she wouldn’t have been able to take a step outside of her room from the shame.

In any case, it would only make her look more ridiculous if she were to unnecessarily show a sensitive response to these worthless gossipers, and it could even give the effect of acknowledging that the rumors were true. Knowing that it would only bring her mood down even further if she were to continue listening, Bianca was about to turn around when she heard something that she could not ignore.

“I bet I would do a better job of warming our lord’s bed than the madam.”

“You can’t say things like that. What if the madam were to hear? No, I mean, you shouldn’t be saying things like that even if she’s not here. That’s insulting her!”

“Hmph, but it’s the truth. Her body is probably as cold as her personality, like a reptile I’m sure. Plus, she’s thin and unattractive. I’m better than her in every way.”

Ante placed a hand on her slim waist and stuck out her rear. Her voluptuous figure was on display, unable to be hidden by her clothing, and her voice held a pompous tone.

Meanwhile, Bianca froze. She had been able to ignore and overlook all the insults towards her so far, but she could not pardon what she heard just now.

Insulting and looking down on me was already crossing the line, but you dare to compare yourself to me? You, a mere wench hired as a maid?

Bianca’s light green eyes flared. Her shoulders became tense and the corner of her lips tightened. She recalled how she had definitely heard similar things said in her past life, which she had ignored and done nothing about. However, she found that she was unable to overlook it this time.

Before she could even contemplate why, her body moved on its own. By the time she came to her senses, it was after she had automatically grabbed the arm of the impudent maid and struck her cheek.

Stunned from having been abruptly slapped, Ante stared at Bianca, eyes blinking as she tried to understand what just happened. The person in front of her eyes, the person who had slapped her was none other than the countess, and… and after processing what had just transpired, Ante then came to realize that Bianca must have heard her talking about her behind her back. While Ante was still in a state of confoundment, her cheek fell victim to Bianca once more.

Bianca wasn’t kind or merciful, she simply found many things too troublesome to get involved with. Instead of brooding over the insults directed towards her, she was the type who paid back just as much as she received. As such, Bianca waited for the other maid to return with the cane while enduring the pain coming from her stinging hand.

Other than the sound of Ante’s sniffling, a silence ensued, resembling a calm before the storm. Bianca’s lips were closed shut, signifying she had no need to exchange any words with Ante, while the other remaining maid remained quiet, wary of her master.

It wasn’t long until Bianca was presented with the cane she had asked for. The maid who brought the cane glanced sympathetically at Ante, but Bianca pretended she didn’t see it, and instead lightly swung the cane. The sound of it slicing the air was sharp and harsh.

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