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Hundreds or thousands of men's heads were severed on the battlefield, but the weight of Bianca's life on the tip of his finger was heavier.

So he should have done well. However, in his youth, Zachary was shy and had many shortcomings. While he rushed to the battlefield to get ahead, Bianca was left alone in the castle.

While Zachary looked away for a moment, Bianca grew.

Time flew by, and Zachary became a Count and the undisputed hero of Sevran.

When he looked back thinking he had some free time, he felt a sense of rejection in Bianca's eyes that looked at him as she grew. That was when Zachary realized it was too late.

How lonely Bianca's childhood must have been. Zachary, who was 20 years old, didn't know it, but now that the years have passed and he is about to turn 30, he can see it clearly.

A husband who never returns. She who stays alone in the castle... Thinking about it, Zachary wasn't a very good guardian.

Zachary, with a sense of debt, tried to do everything Bianca asked of him. That was his atonement for Bianca, who had sacrificed her childhood for Zachary.

His own childhood was a mess as well, so it might seem unimportant... But on the contrary, he didn't want Bianca to suffer like that.

Zachary, who had already spilled water and wanted to fix it even though it was too late, was always concerned about giving something to Bianca.

When Bianca said there was something she wanted, Zachary felt quite relieved. If he didn't even have what she wanted, he would have sunk not knowing what to do. He was happy to know that he could do something for Bianca.

Bringing all sorts of gold and treasures was not enough, but it was ridiculous to receive something from her. Even if it was an emotion, it was the same. It was not reasonable for Zachary to cling to the slightest expectation from Bianca. He didn't want Bianca to be swayed by his tumultuous feelings. So Zachary hardened his face even more in front of Bianca.

But he is jealous.

Zachary ran his hands over his face.

It seems he is very greedy. As a Count and the hero of the kingdom, he doesn't remember his days as the 16-year-old knight who was driven out with a sword. But when Bianca smiles at him, he seems to have a desire to monopolize her.

Zachary apologized quietly.

"I'm sorry."

"Why? For being jealous?"

"... just for everything."

"It doesn't make sense."

Bianca pursed her lips. He was a man more ignorant of his emotions than she thought. Does it make sense that he doesn't even know he's jealous?

From the beginning, it would have been ridiculous to use Jacob to provoke Zachary's jealousy. At that time, she was going to use jealousy to try to bed Zachary... But Jacob was crazy, and Zachary was a fool who didn't know he was jealous.

Eventually, jealousy ended up pushing Zachary into Bianca's bed, but Bianca, who didn't know it, internally complained that Zachary was ignorant and foolish.

Fortunately, Bianca only thought of using Jacob but didn't put it into practice. Reflecting on how foolish she had been once again, Bianca patted her chest.

Zachary looked at Bianca.

Unlike in the past, when she was very nervous with stiff shoulders in front of Zachary, she was now lost in thought and grumbling. It was much better to see that image.

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