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—Ahem.... The young Count Blanchefort also had great success, but he competed with the Count in the quarterfinals. Still, the young Count did his best. When he is a little older, he will become a well-known knight.

Bianca inwardly clicked her tongue. To be honest, it was because she never thought Johaseng would make it to the quarterfinals. Given that his opponent was Zachary, he was defeated, but reaching the quarterfinals was not easy.

Sauveur, who had been talking about the details for a long time, looked at Yvonne. The fact that Gaspard had confessed to Yvonne had already spread throughout the Count Arno's group. Sauveur smiled mischievously and spoke to Yvonne.

"The maiden keeps watching me... I will talk about Gaspard. You must be wondering what happened to him, right?"

"Oh, no."

Yvonne denied it, but her flushed cheeks took away her credibility. Sauveur described Gaspard's match in a more exaggerated tone than before.

"Fortunately! Gaspard made it to the semifinals. To be honest, Gaspard is the best among the three of us in jousting, so it's natural. If that size accelerates and runs, dear God... It would be better to be chased by a herd of buffalos."

Yvonne silently patted her heart at Sauveur's story, which continued to make a fuss. But as everyone was looking at Yvonne, it was evident that she felt relieved by Gaspard's victory. Bianca smiled a little, and Sauveur became more energetic and continued speaking.

"It's a pity about Robert... His opponent was Prince Jacob. Of course, he didn't give up and relinquished his pride, but unfortunately, he ended up playing two matches in a row. Prince Jacob kept winning by abstention, so he was in a situation where he was in a normal state. Ugh. Honestly, do you avoid shit because you're scared? Clearly, you do it because it's dirty. Everyone who faced the Second Prince previously abstained with a white flag, but Robert had to fight quite a bit, but..."

Sauveur shrugged. In summary, he had lost.

Although Robert was sometimes mean to Bianca, he was a much more agreeable opponent than Jacob. Bianca would have preferred Robert to win. But the match results had already come out.

"In the match between the Second Prince and the Count, of course, the Count will win, so don't worry too much, Madam. The tournament winner is, of course, the Count, isn't it?"

Bianca also nodded. It's not that she was worried about Zachary's victory, but she didn't want Sauveur to distract her by telling her not to worry.

Bianca noticed that while Sauveur was talking back and forth, he didn't mention his own results. She, who had been tormented by Sauveur's story until now, sarcastically asked.

"So, Sir Sauveur. How did it go for you?"

"Oh, do you really need to unearth something so painful? I did my best, but... I was defeated by the knight from Castile I mentioned earlier. No, how can he be as tough as a rock? Tomorrow, he will face Gaspard, so it will be an interesting match to watch."

Sauveur rolled his eyes and excused his defeat with a stern voice. Bianca didn't ask any more questions. She wasn't curious enough to dwell on Sauveur's defeat, and she was also tired. Bianca's body was exhausted. Just listening to the story was draining. Bianca, unable to bear the surge of fatigue any longer, blinked slowly.

It was Yvonne who quickly noticed Bianca's condition. She was curious about Gaspard's opponent, the knight from Castile who was as tough as a rock, but her mistress's health came first. Yvonne interrupted Sauveur's story and said,

"Oh, now that I think about it, if the Madam wants to attend the Count's match tomorrow, she should go to bed early. Thanks to Sir Sauveur, I heard the story well."

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