ch 105

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Fernand was even crying.

His long, slender fingers, which plucked the lute, trembled in the air, unable to grasp onto Jacob's hem.

It was abominable and pathetic trash that had been trying to intimidate Bianca.

If women who didn't know the situation had seen it, or maybe even if they knew the situation, their hearts would have softened. But Jacob pressed his foot against Fernand's shoulder without flinching.

Fernand continued pleading, even with his face on the ground, but his voice seemed unheard by Jacob.

Then, he noticed something gleaming in the darkness. That was when Bianca realized that Jacob was holding a sword. And why Fernand was begging so desperately to Jacob.

It was a desperate situation that could cost him his life.

Jacob's voice to Fernand was calm. As if bidding goodnight before going to sleep.

"To despise a noble for a mere jester."

"Please, please, Your Highness!"

"It is a sin that cannot be paid even with death."

As soon as Jacob's words fell, his sword swung, leaving a lingering image like a crescent moon in the darkness. A sharp blade sliced through Fernand's neck as it was.


Crack. The sharp sound of bones being severed echoed in Bianca's ears. Blood gushed from Fernand's neck and splattered Jacob's chest. Jacob's hem was stained with blood, and Fernand's head rolled on the ground. Yvonne screamed.



Bianca blinked, not fully realizing what was happening. What? Is he really dead?

She was stunned because she didn't expect Fernand to die so easily. As he was the one who made her life a mess, she had promised herself that she would take revenge with her own hands. After arriving in the capital, she had been busy with other things like the lace business and dispelling the rumors entangled with her, so she had postponed it for a while, but she didn't forget about Fernand's revenge.

Moreover, for some reason, Fernand kept getting close to her. Like a buzzing fly in her eyes, her anger didn't diminish, and the fire continued to burn.

Meanwhile, something like this happened. He still remained trash. She felt so much resentment that she never thought he would even force himself on a woman. Bianca's words, that she would serve him as dog food, were not a slip of the tongue.

But this outcome was too shallow.

Bianca's eyes rolled for a long time and then turned towards Fernand's severed head.

The once beautiful face was contorted with pain, astonishment, and lament. Fernand's blue eyes were lifeless. Amidst the smell of blood that vibrated to the point of blocking her nose, Bianca stared directly at his face.

Jacob smiled and walked towards Bianca. The splattered blood on Jacob's pristine white face was exceptionally clear, making him even more peculiar.

"In the banquet hall, and now. You were good with your words."

The sudden words sounded threatening. She felt dizzy from the many things that had happened today, but she couldn't let her thoughts consume her like this.

Bianca tried to regain her senses, her eyes widened as she looked at Jacob.

But to Jacob, she simply looked cute. Jacob's eyebrows arched upward.

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