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"Since it is the will of the believer... First, I will speak with the Archbishop. But don't expect too much."

"I will pray and wait."

Bianca sighed in relief and slightly bowed her head.

"Then, while I deliver this wooden box to the Archbishop, I will hand candles to the believers through another priest."

John, who organized the situation, signaled again and hurried away. Bianca hoped things would work out. If it was impossible to get time with the Archbishop despite the contents inside the wooden box, then there was no other way.

Odelli, who had been silently listening to their conversation until now, asked.

"Did you have a purpose in coming to the Church? Is it about a miracle?"

"No, it's not... It's just personal curiosity."

Unable to reveal that she had returned, Bianca made up an excuse. She planned to reveal it to the Archbishop and seek advice if it was inevitable, but she wanted to hide it as much as possible.

Because her past life was a shameful past that she would never want to reveal to others.

"The Archbishop is a tough man. Since they said he was busy, he probably can't make time easily... Do you think the Archbishop will accept the gift from the Countess Arno and grant her time?"

Bianca smiled softly at Odelli's curious and mischievous question and remained silent. Odelli became interested in Bianca's relaxed appearance.

What did Bianca prepare?

It's not a jewel, but if it's something precious that the Archbishop will like, it could be a sacred relic, but most of the famous relics were kept in the Church.

Of course, the Church didn't possess all the Sacred Relics. This is because there are things that have been passed down from generation to generation among the ancient and prestigious noble families.

Although the Arno family is a new family, Bianca's father's family, Blanchefort, and her mother's family are highly prestigious families, so it wouldn't be surprising if there was at least one hidden relic. But does she need to know so much about miracles to offer something so precious?

There were many questions, but Bianca didn't want to reveal them, so she couldn't keep prying. Suppressing her curiosity, Odelli encouraged Bianca and Catherine with her usual elegant and relaxed smile.

"Oh, it seems like the priest coming over there is bringing our candles. Now we are ready to offer our blessings."


Francis, the Archbishop of Lahoz, repeated the task of pacing around the archbishop's office all day. The wrinkles that showed the passage of time were deeper than usual, and the mustache covering his tightly pressed lips twitched slightly with a snort.

This happens every year when the offering is sent to the Vatican on Holy Day. In particular, as there were only a few large churches, they did their best to prepare the offerings, and there was an invisible competition between each one. Last year, the Great Church of Lahoz crushed the noses of other churches by preparing an illustrated version that the priests had dedicated three years to write.

If he sends a remarkable tribute again this year, he will be one step closer to the position of cardinal. As there is a selection of cardinals next year, this offering was very important.

However, when Francis couldn't find anything worthy as a tribute, his nervousness reached its peak.

"An episcopal staff? No. I have looked at enough artists' paintings. Engraved icons, candelabras, Holy Grail, sacramental bread, ceremonial staffs... I even searched for ceremonial wine, but I couldn't find anything..."

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