Chapter 7 - 15 Year Reunion (1)

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Act II. 15 Year Reunion

“Where is the count?”

Vincent’s features shifted oddly when he heard Bianca suddenly asking for the count’s whereabouts. He was already well aware of how little interest Bianca had in Zachary, but this was too much.

“…Lord Arno left for the campaign, if you recall?” Vincent replied, disapproval clearly evident in his tone.

No wonder. Bianca had been causing an uproar for the last few days until she finally accepted the fact that she had returned to the past. She found it strange that Zachary hadn’t made a single appearance, as he surely would’ve come to check on her at least once despite how callous their relationship was.

Bianca felt a great sense of relief at hearing that he was currently away. Although she had already strengthened her resolve, she would gladly welcome the extra time to prepare herself mentally. She swallowed a breath of relief at not having to face Zachary just yet.

She feigned nonchalance and casually replied, “Is that so? When is he expected to return?”

“Based on our last correspondence, he said that he estimates to be returning around the start of winter.”


Bianca slowly nodded her head and shifted her gaze to look out the window. The turn of her neck reflected a noble elegance as well as the degree of her indifference towards Zachary. Irked by such demeanor, Vincent’s expression crumpled, looking like he had tasted something acrid.

Vincent was a man around his forties and it was known that he had long ties with Zachary, originating back from when they had both been under the Hugues family, before Zachary received his baron title. As Zachary’s oldest vassal, Vincent’s loyalty was like no other, and as the steward of the castle, he also frequently butted heads with Bianca.

There were many in the castle who were disgruntled by Bianca and disliked her, but it was none other than Vincent who topped that list. It was likely that he cursed Bianca more than the maids who had a crush on Zachary. Plus, Vincent did not bother to even hide his dislike for her, possibly because he was confident that he wouldn’t be kicked out even if Bianca were to go and tattle to Zachary.

However, when it came to being a steward, Vincent was excellent. His unfriendly attitude was only out of spite. He made an effort to grant everything Bianca–the lady of the house–wanted for the most part. There was nothing in his actions to nitpick on or identify as being negligent.

Hence why Bianca overlooked his forward behavior, content with the fact that Vincent knew his place and never stepped out of line. Either way, it was not like she coveted strong loyalty from her servants. Bianca was quite lenient towards those who weren’t lazy and did their job properly, and weren’t thieves who tried to swipe their masters’ possessions…

Of course, that was Bianca’s opinion and hers alone. All of the servants of Arno castle kept their distance from her, though it wasn’t clear why as she wasn’t a particularly wicked master.

Well, even so, Bianca had no desire to try and figure out the reason and mend it in this present life of hers. She did have regrets of her previous life, but they were only regarding certain important points in time. She had no reason or need to become someone particularly kind. It wasn’t like she asked for such a miracle in order to become a new person.

Even though she had fallen from grace so miserably and wretchedly, it did not change the fact that she was a lousy wife who could only think about the humiliation of being driven out instead of grieving over her husband’s death. Instead of pledging to love her husband if she were granted a second chance at life, she was a woman who burned with the determination to seize revenge against Fernand. That was the type of person Bianca was. Saying goodbye to her old self and getting revenge on the people who had brought despair into her past life was the extent of her purpose. Her reputation or her relationship with others weren’t very important.

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