Chapter 10 - 15 Year Reunion (4)

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“…You’ve just returned from war, have you not? As your wife, it‘s only expected that I come by,” Bianca replied.

A subtle crease marred Zachary’s forehead. Was he irked by her words? It was possible that he found the latter part of her comment off-putting, since she had been ignoring him all this time. He may have also taken it as her being sarcastic. The lies felt from her forced smile may have played a part as well. Afraid that Zachary may misunderstand, Bianca quickly added, “And there are things I’ve been neglecting as well.”

Zachary was silent. It appeared he didn’t believe her.

He continued to stand a distance away and observe her. Not only was the distance between them wide, but their conversation seemed to be going in circles as well. Would it get slightly better if the gap between them was narrowed? Bianca took a step forward. It was only a single step, yet it felt awfully heavy.

But her efforts ended up being for naught. Zachary visibly flinched as soon as Bianca took a step forward and took several steps back, widening the space between them again. His face was contorted, like he hadn’t been expecting her to get closer to him at all.

Do you dislike me to the point where you don’t want me to get near you? Stunned, Bianca stared at the gap between them, which had become wider than before.

“I haven’t washed yet,” Zachary quietly added before clearing his throat. Perhaps he realized that his earlier actions had been too direct.


Bianca tilted her head at the random comment, causing him to grow flustered when he saw her confused look. However, this caused Bianca to grow flustered as well, unsure why he appeared taken aback.

“…It must be fine now?”

“I don’t understand what…”

“It’s nothing.” Zachary mumbled, almost as if he were talking to himself, before pressing his lips shut.

Bianca frowned at the ambiguity in his words. She didn’t understand what it had to do with what they were talking about moments prior.

In the midst of her confusion, Zachary carefully took a step towards her. Now it was Bianca who flinched, her instincts shouting at her to flee.

At the same time, the rational part of her warned that if she were to back away now, all of her efforts would go down the drain. She couldn’t let that happen. Even though she was afraid, Bianca knew better than anyone else the result of running away. She remained stubbornly in place, not taking a single step back, while the hairs on the back of her neck rose and her palms broke out in a cold sweat.

Before she knew it, Zachary had closed the space between them one step at a time. Seeing him up close like this, Bianca realized he was bigger than she thought. Her eyes only came up to his wide and sturdy chest, which gave off the impression that it wouldn’t budge no matter how hard she pushed. Bianca took in a breath.

She had hated this part about him in the past. He was huge and frightening like a locked-away black fiend only talked about in fairytales.

But she couldn’t be afraid forever. She needed to face him head on. Bianca casually raised her head, eyes sweeping past his long, thick neck to his deep set, gleaming eyes. The unrest in his sharp gaze peering down at her was as clear as day.

Gulp. His Adam’s apple moved conspicuously as he swallowed. Though his movements were stiff and disciplined like a soldier, there was still an untamed, primitive air that could not be hidden in his small insignificant actions such as this. It felt like she was facing something raw; an instinctive threat that she, a defenseless herbivore in comparison, could do nothing but tremble before.

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