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Zachary's face twisted at Sauveur's unexpected response.

Sauveur looked more at Robert, who was beside him, as if he didn't understand Zachary. Robert also showed signs of not understanding Zachary's reaction. Sauveur scratched the back of his neck and said timidly.

"Of course, we knew the Count would sleep with his wife. They are on good terms these days."

Sauveur added and laughed awkwardly.

Zachary couldn't deny Sauveur's words. Rather, he felt as if he had been hit on the back of his head. Zachary waved his hand and turned around. Something seemed very unsettling, but he didn't feel a bad omen.

The exhilarating feeling that seemed to have encountered the wind that had been hiding in an unknown place until now... Unlike before, when they were just a couple in name, the feeling of recognizing Bianca as his wife was accompanied by great pleasure. A burning sensation deep in his stomach. It was more of an aspiration than a desire.

That being said, he couldn't board Bianca's carriage with these feelings. Facing an awake Bianca, it seemed that if their eyes met, this impulse couldn't be extinguished.

Zachary paced around the camp, focusing on the carriage. Even if there were many eyes around him asking why the Count was doing this, he firmly ignored them. And much later, when he thought Bianca had fallen asleep. Only then did Zachary cautiously make his way to the carriage where Bianca was.

But life is always different from what is expected. Contrary to his expectations, Bianca greeted Zachary with her eyes wide open.

And what embarrassed him even more was the fact that she was naked, seductively lying on a fur.

Zachary, who entered through the open door without thinking, was startled and almost raised his voice unconsciously. But he restrained himself. Zachary, gritting his teeth and climbing to the top of the carriage, tied a knot tightly to prevent the door from shaking in the wind.

Once the door was securely fastened, never to be opened, he took a deep breath, composed himself, and slowly looked at Bianca. But his attempts to maintain composure were futile. His face reddened, terrified to see Bianca like this again.

"What is this?!"

Zachary barely spoke in a low, hoarse voice. His muffled, hoarse voice showed how perplexed he was, and his face was so contorted that he couldn't even control his expression.

"Don't I look good?"

Bianca raised her body and asked softly. Zachary was left speechless as she asked the question with wide eyes. The pure white skin wrapped around the dark gray fur shimmered like moonlight in the darkness. Zachary, who groaned softly, could only respond a second later.

"It's not...! What if other people see it?"

"I am your wife, and those outside are loyal vassals who fear you. This is not the capital city, darling," Bianca responded as if she didn't care. Her slowness contrasted with Zachary's nervousness. Unlike Zachary's anxiety, she seemed rather relaxed. It was as if she was trying to assert who had control in this relationship.

Zachary also knew that there was no one big enough to dare to covet his wife here. Still, his heart trembled terribly at the mere thought of it.

Her pure white skin contrasted with Zachary's black attire and the dark fur on the ground, instinctively capturing Zachary's gaze. Zachary gritted his teeth and muttered in the face of the irresistible temptation.

"I just don't want anyone to see you."

"Neither do I."

"But why...!"

A Marriage of Convenience /The Marriage Business Where stories live. Discover now