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Zachary asked in surprise. His face was as white as a sheet. He didn't expect it to be a suggestion that would make him so reluctant... Bianca tried not to show her trembling and continued as if she didn't know anything.

"The inside of the carriage is so spacious... The Count sleeps outside, so what will the servants say if I sleep comfortably alone in the carriage?"

"That won't happen."

Zachary's response was firm.

Bianca's speech was interrupted for a moment by the answer as sharp as a knife. Written on her face was: "I will never sleep in this carriage."

If it had been the Bianca from one or two months ago, she would have felt hurt, but Bianca has grown a lot through her experiences. Despite Zachary's refusal, she had the courage to try again. Bianca spoke once more to convince Zachary.


"Madam, where will you eat? Shall I bring the food to the carriage?"

At that moment, without warning, Sauveur stuck his head into the carriage and asked. Because of that, the flow of the story was interrupted, and Bianca stared at Sauveur, unaware of it.

When Bianca's pale green eyes looked dissatisfied, Sauveur was startled, wondering what he had done wrong. Bianca sighed at the sight of Sauveur, who closed his mouth and rolled his eyes. It was annoying, but it wasn't his fault.

After all, Zachary said he wouldn't do it, so nothing would have changed. There was no room for him there, so it seemed that today wouldn't be fortunate. Bianca, who gave up, waved her hand as if she were tired.

"Yes, I will eat in the carriage."

If she ate outside, it would only increase her stomachache due to the piercing gazes, so why would she do that? Bianca's response was quick.

Yvonne, who had always wanted to do it, stood up from her seat.

"Then I'll bring it, madam."

"Yes, please, Yvonne."

Yvonne nodded and left the carriage. While silently listening to the conversation between the Count and the lady in the carriage, she quickly realized that it was time to get up from her seat. The countess openly asked him to lie down with her, but she was rejected. As someone in the middle, she shouldn't witness that.

Sauveur also left, and Bianca and Zachary were the only ones left in the carriage. Contrary to Yvonne's intention to leave them alone, Bianca knew that Zachary would also leave. It was because there was nothing more to talk about.

But Zachary stayed there without moving. His unmoving face seemed to have something to say. Now that she thinks about it, it seemed like he had something to say when he left. What did he want to say? Bianca held her breath silently and waited for Zachary to speak.

However, Bianca wasn't a very patient person to begin with. While waiting, she pondered for a long time where to put her hand, whether to blink or rub her numb feet. Finally, unable to wait for the words to come out of Zachary's mouth on his own initiative, she asked.

"If you say you don't want to sleep in the carriage, why are you staying?"

"It's not because I don't like you."

As if in a hurry to make excuses, Zachary closed his mouth again and ran his hands over his face. A deep sigh escaped him. As if he had made up his mind, Zachary clenched his fists and stared intently at Bianca. At that moment, Bianca became nervous too.

What does he want to talk about? But no matter how much she thought, she couldn't decipher it. Bianca held her breath as she shook her head blankly. However, the words that came out of Zachary were unexpected.

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