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As soon as he returned to the Arno estate, Zachary didn't have much time to talk with Bianca because he had to leave early the next morning, and the rest of the time was dedicated to his marital relations.

Therefore, Zachary didn't know the meaning of the existence of a Saint and why the church supported the Saint wholeheartedly.

Since he didn't know what choice the Church would make in the face of a Saint, Zachary decided not to judge or expect too much. War remained a place filled with uncertainties. As such, all the things he would consider in war had to be certainties.

Zachary, who was preoccupied with his thoughts inside the quarters, let out a deep sigh. Despite the complicated circumstances around him, what he had to do was determined.

To win and return to the territory with victory. And to embrace Bianca and kiss every corner of her body...

Solely in honor of that day, Zachary convinced himself severely. He confessed his heart after a thousand difficulties, so he couldn't like the current situation where she was thrust onto the battlefield as soon as he did so.

The candle illuminating the interior of the quarters flickered, casting its shadow on the tent. Along with it, a shadow fell over his face.

At that moment, the fabric covering the entrance to the quarters was opened. The person who entered rudely without asking permission from Zachary was Robert.

He would have expected it to be Sauveur, but not Robert, who used to be polite.

Robert, who entered the quarters, shouted with a clear look of excitement.

—Count. Reinforcements from Sevran have arrived!


Zachary, who didn't expect reinforcements to arrive, jumped from his seat. Who the hell would come in this situation? Rather, it made more sense for Jacob to have planted spies. Ordering a dagger to be plunged into Zachary's back at a crucial moment...

Zachary panicked and questioned Robert, who couldn't speak easily.

—Who the hell is it?


—I came here because reinforcements were requested.

Before Robert could answer, the tent opened again. Zachary's eyes widened at the unfamiliar but familiar voice.

There stood an unexpected opponent that Zachary had never had in mind. The other party, as always, spoke with a bright and relaxed smile.

—Even if you're a tiger, you want to borrow the hand of a rabbit when you're cornered. I came here to see if I could be of any help. I don't know if it will help the hero's prestige, but...

—Count of Davoville.

The curved eyes were quite political. Not a single word that praised Zachary was spoken in vain.

Indeed, Zachary and Davoville weren't very close. As members of the same faction of the First Prince, they knew of each other's existence, but that was all.

To be honest, the Count of Davoville that Zachary knew was a man driven by profits rather than loyalty. Since the First Prince died, he thought that Davoville would desperately remain neutral even if he didn't fall into the faction of the Second Prince.

But he came to support Zachary. This meant that he had absolutely no intention of taking sides with the Second Prince's faction.

Of course, the Count of Davoville could have fallen under Jacob's instigation, but that probably wasn't the case. The Count of Davoville was a difficult opponent, and you never knew what he was thinking, but he wasn't light enough to go out on his own to strike the back of his opponent's head.

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