Chapter 5 - The Villainess, Bianca (5)

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Although Bianca ended up sleeping with Fernand, it did not mean it had been pleasant. Still, it had been less painful than with her husband, though it was not because Bianca loved Fernand–rather, it was because Fernand was not as well-endowed as Zachary.

Nevertheless, she was happy. Bianca decided to think of it positively, despite knowing that she was having an affair and that things would become troubling for her if she were to be caught. The world was sunny and bright, and she felt like she was floating in the clouds. That was how deep Bianca fell into her relationship with Fernand.

And then one day, news arrived of Zachary falling victim to an arrow and perishing in the war. His death itself didn’t cause Bianca to feel any type of way, rather, it was from the realization that she was now free that elicited a feeling of happiness.

Her father and brother had already passed away earlier in the war, leaving the Blanchefort county to be entrusted to the Arnos. Bianca was under the impression that she would be able to marry Fernand while taking ahold of both the Blanchefort and Arno counties, as well as receiving back her dowry. Though Fernand was only a minstrel, that couldn’t stop them from being wed, and their child would be the future Count Blanchefort! Bianca was thrilled just from the thought alone.

But her happiness was short-lived. Bianca only caught on that something wasn’t right when Zachary’s older brother, Viscount Roland de Hugues took over the Arno county. Roland had declared that Bianca was not an Arno, aware that there was no child born from her and his brother. In addition, he was also aware of her affair–though Bianca didn’t know how–and used it as a basis to keep her from receiving back her dowry.

To make matters worse, he even took claim over the Blanchefort county. Though Bianca protested vehemently, saying that it made absolutely no sense, her affair with Fernand was her biggest shackle. No one would defend her. Roland also had the king’s uncle, Duke Jacob de Sevran’s support. As a result, Bianca, with no backing of her own, was ultimately kicked out with nothing but the clothes on her back.

Despite all her misfortunes, Bianca still had trust in her lover, Fernand. He had fervently confessed to her before that he would love her no matter what, and his brilliant blue eyes had been nothing but genuine. And thus why, even though she no longer had anything to her name, Bianca held onto that firm belief and went to look for him.

Only to be met with a cold shoulder.

‘Oh, my foolish lady. Please don’t be so clingy as this is where we part ways. You used to be more dignified than this, were you not? I know you’ve lost everything, but isn’t that why you should at least try to hold onto some of that dignity at the very least?’

‘Fernand, why are you being like this all of a sudden?’

‘Because I no longer have any reason to involve myself with you.’

The flowery smile that was usually always present on Fernand’s face was nowhere to be seen. The creases of his eyes no longer gave off warmth but reflected disdain instead–a look that seemed to be calling her pathetic. The memory of him pressing a soft kiss to her cheek felt just like yesterday, and yet, the Fernand in front of her now was acting like a completely different person. Bianca’s lips fluttered, unable to believe his sudden change in demeanor.

‘Wha-what are you saying, Fernand? We’re in love with each ot–’

‘I believe the correct term would be lust, not love. My poor, foolish lady. To think you’d lose everything from being blinded by lust. But please don’t try to put the blame on me. Didn’t I tell you multiple times that you shouldn’t fall for me?’

Fernand easily spouted his excuses, and he wasn’t wrong. That was indeed what he had said to her before. ‘You shouldn’t fall for me, Lady Arno. I’m having a hard time as it is trying to keep my wits together. Please be the one to draw the line between us.’ His unwavering eyes had seemed like they were staring straight into her soul, and his lips had flinched slightly when they pressed over hers, almost as if he was trying hard to hide his feelings for her.

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