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The outside became noisy. Amidst the clattering, people's screams, and the voices of passing knights, the interior of the tent where they were remained silent.

Zachary silently watched her, as if waiting for Bianca's response, unmoving, and Bianca also watched him in silence.

Her face was flushed, her lips trembled, and her palms tingled. She had goosebumps on her arms and neck, and she felt restless. Bianca's heart raced rapidly just by silently looking at him. Standing in front of him.

It was as if only the two of them were left in the world.

Bianca thought that the most romantic moment of her life was when she confessed to Fernand, but this moment was incomparable to back then. There wasn't even a small space in her mind to think about Fernand in the first place.

Just as darkness is brilliantly covered the moment the sun rises, much was created, faded, and changed the moment Bianca and Zachary looked into each other's eyes. A miracle like the dawn seeping into the space between night and morning. But, not knowing exactly what it was, Bianca softly responded to Zachary's oath.

"I hope you receive the victory and glory you desire. I give you my blessing."

Bianca extended her hand as if requesting the handkerchief that Zachary held tightly in his hand. Unaware of what Bianca was thinking, Zachary meekly handed the handkerchief to Bianca.

Bianca pulled Zachary's arm and lifted him up. Even if she pulled him lightly, his body suddenly lifted. The gaze that had been inverted returned to its original state. But Zachary didn't look as big and terrifying as before.

Bianca approached Zachary and tied the handkerchief directly onto Zachary's arm. Zachary silently watched her, unmoving. He was holding his breath, although he was close, not a single breath could be heard.

Bianca tied the handkerchief over his armor. The lace handkerchief tied over the silver armor was peculiar. Bianca cautiously kissed the handkerchief. The soft and cold sensation of the metal touching the most sensitive part warmed her lips as if it were a flame.

Bianca's lips, which had left a long, lingering kiss on the handkerchief, slowly parted as if it was time to take a breath.

Bianca took one step, and then two steps back.

When she entered the tent, she was suffocated by all sorts of negative thoughts, but now her steps were so light she could dance.

Slightly excited, Bianca sweetly smiled at Zachary, as if he were a ripe fruit.

"I will eagerly await your victory."


The tent opened, and Bianca stepped out.

Zachary wanted to bid her farewell, but Bianca patted his chest as if it was okay and turned around.

Yvonne, who was waiting outside, followed Bianca.

Bianca's complexion, which was infinitely serious before entering the tent, looked more relaxed. A lace handkerchief was tied to Zachary's forearm. As it is the duty of a servant to gauge their master's mood, Yvonne matched Bianca's mood with a bright voice.

"It seems you were able to deliver it well."


"He looks much better than before."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Is the Count happy?"

"I believe so," Bianca chuckled. She couldn't help but laugh when she remembered Zachary insisting on bidding her farewell. It was quite amusing to see an intelligent person making such a foolish expression. She never thought Zachary would have that kind of expression on his face.

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