Ch 107

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I wanted to tell him to take care of it in the capital immediately, but it was dangerous because of the situation. The fact that the prince was assassinated while an envoy from another kingdom was here could become a major national issue. It was necessary to handle the situation naturally.

So it would be best to kill Jacob when he goes to the battlefield. That would be the most successful route, with the least possibility of being questioned.

Fortunately, Jacob was ostentatious and extravagant, so he often went to war. Zachary is a man who almost always lives on the battlefield, so it shouldn't be too difficult to manipulate the situation.

However, Zachary was not a man cunning enough to consider attempting to assassinate the royal family over political conflicts. The same went for Prince Gautier and Count Blanchefort.

Building a secret scheme from the bottom was considered an unjust act that went against chivalry. They were as naive as the insidious Jacob.

Bianca looked at Zachary. He was a knight among knights. Although she knew how absurd Bianca's argument was and that it could be seen as a slap from an ignorant woman towards his honor, Bianca was determined to persuade Zachary.

Even if she lied that she had found Jacob secretly meeting with an Aragonese spy, it would have been dismissed as absurd nonsense, but why not catch at a straw?

But contrary to Bianca's complicated thoughts, Zachary responded quickly and obediently.

"… I will."

While Bianca felt bewildered by Zachary's immediate response, Zachary pulled Bianca and laid her on the bed. A soft blanket wrapped around Bianca's legs. Zachary lay beside her, gently patting her shoulder.

His low voice sweetly filled Bianca's ears.

"You must be tired today, so go to bed early."

Zachary's behavior was so natural that Bianca felt even more confused.

Did Zachary really understand Bianca's words, or was it just an exhortation to appease her by dismissing it as nonsense due to panic?

But maybe it was because she was lying down, or maybe because the gentle hand that rubbed her back was soothing. Bianca's mind went blank, and soon she was overcome by a sleep mixed with fatigue.

"You must... you must do it."

Bianca murmured sleepily. Her chestnut lashes slowly fell, and then her pale green eyes disappeared. Only the sound of even breathing could be heard between her slightly parted rosy lips.

Zachary looked at Bianca, who had fallen asleep. He felt sorry for her tired and pale complexion.

Zachary's fingers tickled Bianca's cheek, but Bianca didn't move. That's how tired she felt. She seemed constantly nervous even in the banquet hall, but since this happened outside... Considering Bianca's usual resilience, she had endured it quite well.

The moonlight streaming into the room through the window illuminated Bianca's fair skin. The blue bruises left on her slender limbs wrapped in the white fur coat stood out clearly.

The fingers caressing Bianca were as gentle as feathers, but Zachary's eyes looking at her in the dim darkness were fierce. Zachary murmured softly, as if whispering to the sleeping Bianca.

"Don't worry. Even if you didn't want it, I would do it."


The next day, Bianca fell asleep.

It was due to accumulated fatigue and because no one woke her up.

Bianca's entire body throbbed as she woke up.

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