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It was rare for Bianca to show her emotions so openly.

In response to the content, Zachary's eyes widened.

Bianca's face flushed when she realized what she had said belatedly. The hand that had been tightly holding Zachary's arm lost strength, and her body staggered.

Zachary, who was close by, supported her. Bianca took a deep breath in Zachary's arms and tightly closed her eyes as she recalled the mistake she had made.

It was something Bianca never wanted to reveal to Zachary.

"A bride who could never return to her parents' house. That was something she didn't have to tell her husband."

Given the current situation, Zachary could wield unrestrained power over Bianca. In that sense, the place where Gustave led Bianca was nothing less than a cliff.

Blaming herself for making a foolish decision in the heat of the moment, Bianca trembled.


Gustave stared at Bianca, speechless, gasping in Zachary's arms.

He didn't even know his daughter thought that. No. That was his own deception. He said that so his daughter would think that...

What he didn't know was how well his daughter would keep her word and how much she endured crying to keep her word in a situation of loneliness and pain.

Bianca was a stronger girl than he thought. So, even in a situation where any other child would have run away crying, she persevered and drowned the sadness in her heart.

Gustave had been so serious that Bianca was tricked into thinking she couldn't return home from an unknown place. The only adult who took care of Bianca was her nanny, Jean. No matter how small a child is, they would quickly be out of sight if they insisted on wanting to go home every day.

But a year passed, and then two. Bianca didn't contact him even after receiving the obituary of her nanny, Jean.

"I should have looked for Bianca first..."

But it was already too late, and Gustave's courage had been lost.

The foolish choices of the past had come back like a boomerang and pierced Gustave's heart.

His daughter's eyes stared at him.

He let out a pitiful groan at the hostility in her eyes, which resembled those of her mother, who died prematurely.

And Bianca's older brother, Johaseng, felt as guilty as his father, Gustave.

Johaseng used to get along very well with his younger sister. But when his sister's marriage was decided, he was more interested in his brother-in-law, Count Arno, than his sister, who used to cry over losing a piece of cake.

He welcomed the marriage with open arms. At that time, Baron Arno was the idol of the youth of his time. Of course, he thought his sister would be fine.

It was a vague and complacent thought. Because it was convenient to think that way. Because he had nothing to worry about. No news is good news. He thought his sister would be fine.

But the way his sister looked at him... The image of the sister crying after having a piece of cake taken away was nowhere to be found.

Bianca's anger was passionate, but at the same time, cold and sharp like refined ice.

Only her light green eyes were shining.

When Johaseng realized that he had neglected her until now, his heart ached. Unable to look at his younger sister, he directed his gaze to the ground.

A Marriage of Convenience /The Marriage Business Where stories live. Discover now