Chapter 16 - A Wounded Palm (4)

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Ante was sure Zachary would take pity on her and lose any affection he had left for Bianca once he witnessed the latter’s wicked act. If it was the lord Ante was familiar with, she could be confident. After all, he was a count who had no interest in his wife but was kind to his inferiors.

Zachary observed Bianca’s hand, causing her to involuntarily flinch. Squashing the urge to hide the cane behind her back, she convinced herself that she had done nothing wrong. However, that courage dissolved like salt in water as soon as she saw the furrow in his brow.


Zachary called her name, voice deep and a frown still present over his features. He had only said her name, but Bianca could read the reprimand in his eyes.

Her face turned red, chest growing hot and stuffy, as if it housed burning charcoal. What did I do for you to be looking at me with those eyes? Was it because I wasn’t able to get a single maid to watch her mouth? Because I’m a woman who deserves to hear such insults, and am thus causing a scene over nothing? Bianca pursed her lips. She was curious what kind of expression Zachary might put on if she were to tell him what Ante had been saying about her. Would he be surprised like he was hearing it for the first time, or would he be indifferent like it was to be expected?

Bianca kept her head held high despite being unable to bear the shame.


Pride was what kept Bianca standing no matter the situation, even when she had been ousted by Viscount Hugues. The one and only time she tucked it away was when she had clung onto Fernand after being kicked out from Arno castle. She had tucked it away because she trusted him. Because she loved him and believed he loved her too…

Of course, the result of that didn’t need to be said. Having learned that tucking away her pride would only bring misery, Bianca raised her chin, willing herself not to cry. She strained to keep her voice from trembling, spitting each word out one by one.

“Are you planning on telling me I went too far as well? I believe I’ve done what I–as the lady of the house and as your wife–was expected to do.”


“I’ll take a step back if this woman happens to be your mistress, since that would mean she’s in a position to say such things about warming your bed or whatnot.”

Her words were a reflection of her current emotional state: half-sarcastic and half-miserable.

“That’s not it,” Zachary replied firmly.

He pursed his lips, jaw clenched. An unspeakable anger painted over his features, making him look like a beast baring his teeth. Vincent, Robert, and the other maids quickly stepped back when Zachary began taking large strides towards Bianca, afraid that they’d get in the way. A shiver-inducing tension took over the hallway.

Bianca backed away when she saw Zachary advancing towards her without any hesitation. The sight of his large figure approaching was as intimidating as always. He was faster than her and reached her before she could distance herself. He stretched his hand towards her, causing her to instinctively flinch when she saw his long arm coming closer.

His hand headed not for her hand, but for the end of the cane she was holding. Bianca unwittingly tightened her grip as soon as he tried to pull it out of her grasp. They ended up looking at each other while each holding onto one end of the cane.

Bianca looked up at Zachary in bewilderment, confused as to why he was suddenly acting like this, whereas his gaze fell onto her occupied hand. Her fingers, which always resembled the white, thin branches of a birch tree, were flushed.

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