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Seeing Sauveur's clever appearance, Zachary smiled. The atmosphere, which had been tense due to Robert's statements, eased up a bit. Zachary shook his head and said.

"You're so motivated that I can't hold you back anymore. Since Gaspard has taken charge of Bianca's escort, you two will have to share the tasks that Gaspard was originally in charge of. The ones Gaspard was handling..."

"Logistics reorganization and horse management."

"Yes. Sauveur will take care of the horses, and Robert will handle the logistics reorganization."


Robert and Sauveur closed their eyes tightly and responded loudly. They wanted to rest a bit this winter, but it seems that won't be possible. The two commanders sighed heavily. Still, isn't it a better position than Gaspard's? Thinking that way was the only way to calm their troubled minds.

"Then you may leave. I will instruct Gaspard separately regarding the handover of duties."

Upon Zachary's dismissal, Robert and Sauveur left Zachary's office. Suddenly having a lot of work, their minds felt confused. Their feet felt heavy. In particular, Robert was worried about what Zachary had said due to a slip of the tongue.

Sauveur clicked his tongue.

It was deserved. No matter how strained the relationship between Zachary and Bianca is, what husband likes to see his wife being treated like that in front of him? This time, Robert was careless. He always pretends to be good, but does this. Sauveur looked at Robert with rolled eyes.

"Why did you do that?"

"Are you stoking the fire?"

Robert was furious at Sauveur's teasing, which stabbed his sore spot. As their voices echoed in the hallway, Sauveur and Robert looked towards the closed door of Zachary's office, shrugging their shoulders in surprise.

They tried to listen, but no sound could be heard from the office. Only then did Robert and Sauveur quickly move away from Zachary's office.

After a certain distance, Sauveur spoke up.

"I thought my liver would fall out."

"Yes. It's all my fault. It's my fault for saying something stupid. It was my fault for yelling."

"It's good that you know."


In the face of Sauveur's witty response, Robert nervously kicked the ground. If his nerves are scratched further, he will explode. Sauveur looked Robert in the eyes as he moved forward and said mischievously.

"I understand that you don't like the lady, but don't be too obvious. Especially in front of the count."

"That's strange. He likes to see art and furniture, do you think he will enjoy going to the capital? Do you think it will make her feel better if she buys all the things she wants to buy? Why should the Count worry about the lady's mood? Honestly, the lady should be worried about the Count!"

Robert was too agitated. His well-groomed face turned bright red, and his dark hair was disheveled and covered the corners of his eyes.

Sauveur clicked his tongue slightly at Robert's appearance. Those who usually knew Robert and Sauveur would blink, thinking that they had switched bodies.

Robert, the third son of a baron family, with a polished face and proper manners, was completely different from Sauveur, a man free from formalities and etiquette.

As Robert was the third son of a baron family, he had a certain education. There was no comparison to common people, and for that reason, he was the most sensible person among Zachary's three commanders. However, he wasn't as flexible. When his emotions intensified, he would also have a bit of a bad temper.

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