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"Is it possible that the cuisine in our castle doesn't suit her palate?"

... Madam would speak up if that were the case.

That's right.

Zachary nodded at Vincent's perplexed response. The Count of Blanchefort doted on his only daughter, and Zachary, who succeeded the Count as her legal guardian, also strove to provide everything his beloved wife desired. As a result, Bianca openly expressed her dissatisfaction without being prompted and did the same for her wants.

If the dishes in the Arno Castle were not delicious, she would have mentioned it or requested a change of chef. Otherwise, it meant she was somewhat satisfied with the cuisine in Arno Castle. Zachary added with a sigh,

"Tell the chef to think a little more about the dishes that she might enjoy. She eats very little, which is why she remains so small."

"Yes. Understood."

Vincent obediently replied. He couldn't imagine that 'that' Madam would eat as much as she could even if exotic dishes were brought, but since it was an order from his lord, Zachary, he had no choice but to comply.

As it was an order from the Count, he would have to pay attention to the menu for a while, and from that moment on, the chef of Arno Castle was seen pulling his hair out due to the sudden mission.

Meanwhile, Robert and Sauveur came to visit Zachary. It was to report on the progress and advancements they had made since taking charge of logistics reorganization and horse management, which used to be Gaspard's responsibility. Robert spoke first.

"Count, the repair of the left wall has been completed."

"Ah, how much progress has been made on the construction of a fortress in the western forest?"

"The resources such as stone and wood are in progress, but it's snowing, and the speed is not good."

"Make sure no accidents occur. Ensure that mandatory military service is only three days a week as prescribed."

"As you command."

One day of the week was the Sabbath, a day to leave behind plows, pens, and weapons and rest in honor of God's protection, whether noble or servant. And in the case of servants, they would be mobilized for three days to assist the lord, and during the remaining three days, they could cultivate their own land.

Occasionally, some lords would disregard the three-day period due to their greed and would often keep the servants for a longer period. The servants would then not have time to tend to their own land, and they would become impoverished. When the servants become impoverished, they are less motivated and more prone to illness. Therefore, Zachary made sure his subordinates strictly followed the prescribed time.

After hearing Robert's brief report, Zachary turned his gaze to Sauveur, who was waiting, and asked.

"What about the horses?"

"While we were away, two foals were born. Two horses died of old age, and one died from injuries. The dead horses were skinned, and the meat was used to make sausages. The horse caretaker is taking good care of them, so all you have to do is take care of the horses that came with us."


Zachary nodded. The work was flowing smoothly, so he was able to alleviate some of his worries. There was a smile of satisfaction around his mouth.

Sauveur looked at Zachary. He somehow looked different. The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and his eyes were softened. If it had been the original Zachary, he would have scrutinized every detail and asked about it. Anyone who saw him could clearly tell that he was excited.

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