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As if it was a lie that had smiled so brilliantly before, Zachary returned to his usual expression.

While Bianca fanned and cooled her burning face, Zachary remained silent as if he was pondering. The silence didn't last long. Having made a decision quickly, he said with determination.

"What you said back then, is it still valid?"

"W-What do you mean?"

"I mean wanting to have my successor."

"Of course, but..."

Bianca responded to the abrupt question. Her head was still saturated with the kiss. Meanwhile, is it still valid? Successor? Bianca stared at Zachary intently.

Zachary also looked at Bianca, then he leaned towards her and whispered softly in her ear.

"Tonight, I will visit you."


Bianca questioned the still incomprehensible words, but Zachary moved away from her without giving an answer, leaving only a faint smile.

Balancing on the horse, he pulled the reins and lightly spurred it, and Zachary's black horse soon distanced itself from Bianca.

Bianca was left alone, but the warmth of Zachary on her lips, and the scent of leather and iron still lingered at the tip of her nose. Bianca stared at Zachary's back and unconsciously brought the golden rose he had given her to her lips. The cold touch cooled her burning lips, but not her heart.


On that day, everyone in Lahoz was busy talking about Zachary's victory. After all, there was no one who could match the Count of Arno, and the war with the Kingdom of Aragon would soon come to an end.

Until now, everyone pretended to be calm, but there was no reason not to be anxious due to the prolonged duration of the war. In this way, the anxiety lurking in a corner of their hearts was somewhat relieved by Zachary's performance in this tournament.

And Bianca, the owner of the golden rose, became as much of a hot topic as Zachary's performance.

It's not that the winner had never kissed the lady they appreciate before, but this time it was none other than Zachary de Arno.

The fact that he took such action, when he seemed completely oblivious to romanticism or courtly romance, made everyone try to guess the romantic relationship between the couple.

Moreover, not much was known about her, probably because she had spent most of her time locked in her room after arriving in the capital. That aroused people's curiosity. Not to mention the unknown handkerchief that Zachary gave to Bianca.

Of course, there were many rumors about her bad personality and that the Count would be tired of her. But no one had ever properly met her, and it was difficult to believe it completely because it contradicted Zachary's behavior in the tournament.

So, while people talked about Bianca, the protagonist of the rumor, Bianca herself nervously wandered around the room all afternoon.

Bianca even dismissed Yvonne and locked herself in her room, pondering over and over about the tournament.

Successor, and tonight.

Those were words she never thought would come out first from Zachary's mouth.

Bianca tried to remain calm in a situation where she seemed to have been swept away by the wind and waves as soon as she became aware of her feelings.

Perhaps Zachary didn't intend to join her today. Wasn't he the one who had rejected Bianca's proposal to join her all this time? It was obvious that he came to have a conversation, just to seriously think about the successor.

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