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Just one step away from them. It felt like a position dedicated to him.

You can't enter this line just yet. You're not fully part of the family...

Zachary hadn't slept with her yet. Therefore, it was impossible to say that they were a complete family, even though they had celebrated the wedding. In fact, didn't Bianca refuse to call him "darling" for that reason?

To Bianca, Zachary was the "Count de Arno."

She was free now. Zachary respected that freedom. Because she was still seventeen years old.

Although the difference between seventeen and eighteen was not as distinct as to be cut with a sharp knife, he thought it could be justified with the holy ceremony of adulthood.

He believed it could be a marriage based on respect and mutual love, and not a marriage as a business transaction.

And freedom was synonymous with being filled with dangerous responsibilities. The only difference was that it was Zachary, not Bianca, who assumed the responsibility for it. That was inevitable. Because it was always the responsibility of the husband and the older man to take responsibility for the relationship.

Until now, Bianca has been talking about a successor, and there is a reason why she keeps coming despite Zachary's refusal. Because she believed that Count Blanchefort would not accept her.

But not now. Count Blanchefort, who was shocked to see his daughter whom he hadn't seen in a long time, would gladly listen to her even if she said she wanted to divorce Zachary. Even if she divorces him, it doesn't change the fact that Zachary is on the side of the first prince.

Ten years were enough time to understand the humanity of a person, and Count Blanchefort understood perfectly well what kind of person Zachary was...

Now Bianca could go back to Blanchefort whenever she wanted. If she wanted to leave, Zachary had no reason to hold her back.

Fearful of acknowledging that fact, Zachary's mouth dried up, his clenched fists trembled, and the tendons protruded from the back of his hand.

What if Bianca truly fell in love with someone else? Then I...

"To be honest, it doesn't seem like the Madam is very fond of the Count. But what does she mean by not even sleeping together?"

Before leaving for the capital, Sauveur's words spread like ripples in Zachary's mind. What he had distanced himself from back then, just in case, was now right around the corner.

Feeling the alienation of being alone in a different place, Zachary fell into deep and confusing thoughts. The noise of the reception hall echoed like a dull noise in his ears. It felt like he had been taken away and moved somewhere else.

It was his own voice that slipped in the midst.

"She can't leave me. If I do better... There's no reason for her to leave me. We've been doing well for 10 years."

"Are you sure?"


"No need to worry. There's a better way than relying on her. Just sleep with her. Then she'll be completely subordinate to you."

"That's not allowed!!"

"Why not? She is your wife, and she wants to have your heir... There is absolutely no reason not to do it. All you have to do is set aside your humble pride. Mutual respect? Marriage for love? If you are so certain about that, why are you so confused now?"

As if there was a demon in his head, all kinds of sweet and seductive words sounded in his ears. The ground trembled like an earthquake. The slim and tall body that was capable of balancing gracefully even on top of the fiercely swaying warhorse staggered in a state of shock.

A Marriage of Convenience /The Marriage Business Where stories live. Discover now