Chapter 13 - 15 Year Reunion (7) / A Wounded Palm (1)

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Following his marriage, Zachary developed a habit of bathing the moment he returned home after his campaigns. Blood, grime, and the stubborn smell of sweat clung to his body after battles. But that was only natural. The only thing one could afford to do in terms of washing on the battlefield was scrubbing their neck clean. Rather than soak their entire body in water, they were more desperate to get a few more moments of sleep and be able to slay at least one more opponent.

Of course, there was not a chance a young noble lady could understand what the battlefield was like. How had Bianca reacted the first time she had witnessed Zachary returning from a campaign? She had backpedaled while her small, pretty face crumpled, appearing as if she would puke any moment. Following that occurrence, Zachary started to head straight for the bath every time he returned instead of going to see her. A husband who nauseates his wife? How ridiculous.

However, Zachary himself was well aware that even if he were to bathe and freshen up, it didn’t mean Bianca would welcome him. She hated him. She despised him and found him detestable. Though he could read that much just by looking at her face, she had even said it herself before.

It was a further reason as to why Zachary couldn’t understand what had just occurred earlier. Unfurling himself and leaning back against the edge of the tub, he recalled the events that unfolded a few moments ago. A sudden visit and an unexpected proposal he never thought would come from Bianca’s own lips.

Just what on earth could have happened to her while he was out on the battlefield? The Bianca he saw today had undoubtedly been unfamiliar.

Yet, having said that, she was still the same as always, never chang–

“What do you mean ‘an heir’ when you’re standing there trembling, afraid that I might touch you,” Zachary mumbled to himself.

Her repulsion towards him. The visible quivering, body flinching before his hand could even get near her. Her trembling green eyes filled with fear at the possibility he may do something to her. Bianca tried to hide it, but Zachary had been able to see it as easily as looking at the palm of his hand. They were all things she exhibited when she was in front of him, in the past and in the present.

Zachary scoffed. He had no intention of taking her suggestion of an heir seriously.

After all, she was still the same as always.


Act III. A Wounded Palm

The next day around midday, there was a commotion in a corner of Arno castle. It wasn’t strange for there to be a ruckus as whenever the knights returned after each campaign, it was common for the castle to be noisy the following day. The unmarried ladies at risk of surpassing the prime marriageable age, as well as the boys looking up to the men in armor, would flock around the knights.

The stories the knights would recount were as exciting as hearing a legend about a hero who defeated a dragon. Though the women were more interested in achieving their own interests, the stories the knights shared were the only source of amusement in this quiet, peaceful place. As a result, it was always a good day whenever the knights would pause to share their accounts of battle.

However, the commotion today did not fall under that category. It involved a woman’s sorrowful wails and the sound of a resounding slap.

Arno castle was normally calm and quiet, like a tranquil lake, but that was disturbed by a noise that was as sharp as nails.

It was a place where people lived, so there were small issues and quarrels that arose throughout the years. It was just that this time, it was none other than the lady of the house, Bianca, who had started it.

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