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After Bianca arrived in Arno, Zachary took care of her a lot.

If she wanted something to eat, she could have it. If she wanted to have something, she could have it. He took away all her duties and only gave her rights. She was his wife, whom he spoiled so much.

Although Zachary was a husband with many shortcomings, he was not powerless enough to be unable to protect her in this situation.

Zachary didn't know what Bianca had against the Blanchefort family. But even if the reason was very trivial, Zachary thought that if she was reluctant to meet, there was no need to meet.

If Zachary disrupts her meeting with Bianca, the Blancheforts may protest. From their perspective, she is just a girl who left, and she is just a younger sister. But it doesn't matter. Such voices of dissatisfaction can be tolerated.

Zachary's eyes gleamed dangerously like a wolf guarding his pack. How cruel those black eyes were, even Bianca, who was right by his side, swallowed her saliva. But instead of living a bloody life, embracing her was a greater comfort.

Everyone always told her to do something. Her duties as a countess, duties as a wife, duties as an abbess... And since she didn't do those things properly, they said she was useless.

Zachary was the one who could interfere with her obligations more than anyone else. What a great comfort to tell her that she doesn't have to do anything if she doesn't want to!

Bianca, who had less burden on her heart, was able to examine the situation more calmly. She couldn't escape from her family forever.

They had to meet once, and this was the right time to meet her family. Bianca tightly gripped her quilt and murmured with a determined voice.

" Because you can't avoid it forever."

So, for you, should the Count be avoided? The question reached the back of Zachary's throat. Of course, he couldn't ask it out loud.

"Do what makes you feel comfortable. But recovering your health is the top priority."

"And making your clothes. Because I don't want to hear that I'm treating you poorly."

Bianca smiled and looked at Zachary. Zachary also smiled when the atmosphere improved enough to make jokes.

However, his smile, which couldn't shake off his concerns for Bianca, was somewhat awkward.


Fortunately or unfortunately, when Blanchefort arrived in the capital, Bianca was able to stand up.

Although she had just gotten out of her sickbed, Zachary showed concern for her pale face, which still looked sickly.

—"How about postponing the meeting?"

—"He is a count. I'm sure he is busy. He came all the way here, so it's better to just meet than bother changing the appointment."

Zachary's eyes shone with sadness at Bianca's calm words.
As busy as the count may be, meeting his daughter whom he hasn't seen in over a decade cannot be considered bothersome.

What the hell happened between Count Blanchefort and Bianca?

Although he was curious in his heart, he didn't ask and silently watched Bianca apply makeup.

She added vitality to her pale cheeks with pink powder. When she slightly lowered her long eyelashes, they fluttered and cast a shadow beneath her eyes. The movement, like the fluttering of a butterfly, made Zachary look at Bianca without realizing it.

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