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Zachary's lips descended upon Bianca's eyelids. His lips trailed along Bianca's cheek. It was a gentle kiss, as if licking fresh cream.

Zachary's lips touched the nape of her neck, and Bianca let out a languid sigh. Bianca blinked and looked up. The stone ceiling remained the same, but somehow it looked different.

Bianca blinked slowly. She was emotionally stirred, yet her mind was calmer than before.

Zachary's hand naturally roamed inside Bianca. Bianca's body naturally tensed, and her back trembled. A sigh escaped Bianca's lips.

As Zachary unfastened his belt, Bianca asked, looking at Zachary with blurry eyes.

"Are you going to war?"


In that moment, Zachary's body stiffened. Seeing him pause just before taking any action, she could feel how agitated he was by her question.

Indeed, Zachary did not respond easily.

It wasn't because Bianca's confession had tempted him to reconsider his decision.

Rather, even for Bianca's sake, he couldn't resist going to war.

Until now, the main reason was his pride as a worthy comrade, but now he had to exclude Aragon completely, who threatened Sevran for its future and hers.

Either way, the result was the same.

Still, Zachary hesitated, thinking about how disappointed Bianca would be if he shook his head again. He didn't want to ruin the current mood.

Bianca gazed at Zachary's face. Bianca knew Zachary wouldn't say no to the war.

Though she was stubborn, it wasn't that she was unaware of giving up. And if she surrendered, it was to gain something. Bianca spoke first without waiting for Zachary's response.

"Then give me the assurance that you won't die."


"Today, don't use contraceptives..."

Bianca gently placed her hand on Zachary's hard chest. There was more urgency than shyness. It was the last gamble Bianca could throw. Internally, while waiting for Zachary's response, she burned with anxiety.


"Don't make me more anxious..."

Bianca clung to him. Zachary's eyes trembled at her sincere plea.

Zachary couldn't reject her as firmly as before. As stubborn and ironic as he was, he was also a human being, so he couldn't feel comfortable rejecting his beloved Bianca's request twice in a row.

Furthermore, the situation was clear. Once upon a time, there was a legend that a king sold his kingdom due to a conversation in bed. If Bianca had said she wanted the kingdom, Zachary would have immediately responded.

If it had been a few hours ago, there would have been no room for such reconsideration. But Zachary heard Bianca's confession... that added weight to Zachary's conflict.

The scales were tipping. After pondering for a moment, he looked at Bianca with a determined gaze.

"It's still a long way until dawn."

Suddenly, Bianca's waist was pulled down. Bianca blushed and rolled her eyes. She tried to grasp the meaning behind Zachary's words, but it wasn't easy.

"No way... no. I shouldn't expect anything... However..."

While Bianca remained confused, Zachary acted out of control. Shaking off his hesitation, he buried himself deep inside Bianca. Bianca involuntarily leaned back and took a deep breath.

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