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Zachary's voice, as he took a breath, dispersed like a leaf carried by the wind. It was calm, unwavering, with the serenity of someone speaking the truth. If this was acting, then Bianca would have discovered Zachary de Arno's new talent. He seemed very, very sincere.

Bianca's lips twisted. Why bother giving him an excuse or a confession? What is she supposed to respond here?

She never thought that. She hadn't even considered it shameless. Should she say that?

But really, has she never thought that way?

Bianca wasn't sure. Besides, she couldn't easily believe that he didn't have a lover. There was no reason not to have one, and there were many reasons for it to exist. After all, Bianca doesn't care if he has a lover, so there's no need to do this.

She thought she had explained her intentions well to Zachary, but he may have felt she was ridiculing him by continuing to talk about it. Thus, in this way, she would describe her disgust in an elegant and noble manner, indirectly.

Without fully trusting Zachary, Bianca tried to respect his intentions by putting an end to the mistress debate. If she tells a lie anyway, Zachary will soon discover the truth. Because he's a clever man.

"... I see. I will never mention it again."

"... Ha."

Zachary's ironic sigh was filled with disgust. His hand didn't even move, but when Bianca saw the cutting air piercing her skin, she realized she had given the wrong response. Ah, the response he was expecting wasn't "I won't mention the mistress issue again," but rather he wanted her to say, "I admit you don't have a lover." Bianca swallowed her saliva. Her tongue was stiff.

"You're very stubborn."

Bianca couldn't say anything and just sighed. Whether she didn't want to talk anymore or the notification had ended, Zachary's hand covering Bianca's eyes slid away.

Expressionless face. Calm gaze.
Just like a person in a portrait, there were no tremors. There was no trace of anger in his voice.

Perhaps it was Bianca's misunderstanding that Zachary was so disgusted that he was angry? It may have been an invitation to pretend to be angry so that Bianca confirms that she won't talk about the mistress. Bianca's ears turned red at the thought of being balanced in that way. It was due to the anger and embarrassment of being mocked. Even if she hadn't made a ridiculous play like this, she would have listened to his demands. Bianca's goal is to solidify her position by giving birth to the successor of the Arno family, and she has no intention of being hostile towards Zachary.

After reflecting for a moment, Bianca let out a sigh.

Ah. He doesn't believe in the fact that she has no intention of being hostile. He understands that too. Since they got married, she has been consistently averse to him.

Well. Even though Bianca approached him suddenly, her new beginning had just started yesterday. She had just taken a step, so there was no need to rush. As the emotional wound that has been engraved until now is deep, there is no way it can be resolved all at once.

She understood it in her head, but as it was a frustrating situation, her chest tightened. Bianca lightly bit her lower lip.

Contrary to Bianca's confusion, Zachary took a step back when he heard the response he was expecting.

When the huge man who had almost pushed Bianca against the wall moved aside, the air felt as if it had been ventilated, like opening a tightly closed window. She tried not to show her relief, but she couldn't hide the slight flutter in her chest.

A Marriage of Convenience /The Marriage Business Where stories live. Discover now